Tears welled up in Zeke's eyes. Why was Yellow shouting at him? It was an accident. He didn't mean to do that. Zeke wiped his eyes on his sleeve, sniffling a little. He stood up to go find somewhere else to sit, where people won't yell at him for apologizing. He wished he was back home. People were confusing and scary and he didn't want to be here anymore. Taking his camera, he walked off. He only made it a couple of steps before he realized he didn't know where he was going. Back home he had his room, the space by the fence, a hundred little places where he could hide and be safe. Now... He dropped down onto the grass again, wrapping his arms around his knees and hiding his face. Here he didn't have a space. Not yet. There wasn't anywhere to go. Being stuck out in the open like this, emotionally and physically, made him feel more trapped then he had in his entire life.