[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170503/c41ff5ae90849df18e26014baf329f82.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/olRtZa5.png?1[/img] [sub][url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=221290206]outfit[/url] [@HylianRose][@Joshua Tamashii][@JBRam2002][/sub][/center][hr][hr] Jocelyn walked right beside Brandon as they followed in Amelia's footsteps towards the garden. [color=404193]"I have no idea what's [i]planned[/i],"[/color] Jocelyn said with a light chuckle, [color=404193]"hell, I don't even know if there is anything planned. We could just be going with the flow. All I know is, this Summer will probably be a lot more eventful now that we're staying here; a lot more fun than what I'd originally planned."[/color] Knowing her parents, Jocelyn knew that there'd be no toleration of sleeping in every day or "fooling around" when instead, she could be volunteering or working. It took her about two weeks of groveling for her parents to finally agree to let her stay the whole one-hundred days with Liz. Once the two finally reached Amelia and Elizabeth, Jocelyn's lips spread into a wide grin. Her grin faltered and her body tensed, however, when Elizabeth reached in for a hug. Not too long ago, Madam Kleine had informed them all that Elizabeth was out gardening with Alfred, meaning that there was a high chance that she was dirty. [color=404193]"Yeah, yeah, Liz. Nice to see you,"[/color] Jocelyn said once the hugs were finished. [color=404193]"It's just a little dirt, no biggie. Where are you two headed?"[/color]