Cole looked around his room and sighed. His last night in Solace, spent in a slightly cheap bed and creaky floorboards just outside. At least there was a desk. Sitting down, he felt the chair wobble unevenly. Biting the inside of his cheek, he proceeded to take out his journal again, and turn to a empty, if slightly coffee-stained, page. Then, removing his pen from the spine, he began to write. '[i][color=92278f]It is the 12th of the First Month of Tempus Solis. Or perhaps the 13th, given that I have no access to the time. I have met with the IRIO agents, General Andius Ponta and Lieutenant Daniel Hunt. I have also met with the others on the mission. And frankly... I cannot quite understand any of them. The General and Lt. alone I can make sense of. The IRIO is the only reason I feel I am still alive, really. If I had never become one of their assets...[/color][/i]' Cole shuddered. '[i][color=92278f]It is best not to think of it. As for the others... this Samuel Thomas is the only one formally introduced. He seems to be between two worlds. The world of the 'greasers' who work for their love of the machine, and that of espionage. If he is either one, then the other has a solid grasp on him as well. I did not appreciate his smoking, however. 'Then there was that archer... I recognise his accent. The Sovereignty has one of the smallest hands in this mission... and yet, when it comes to our homeland, we have no clue why the king wishes us to be there. But the boy...he looks young. Well, much younger than any of the rest of us... I think only one of us has reached the age of thirty, and she looks far from it. 'A Dryad. Were it not for her manner of dress, her weapon and her voice, I'd have thought her my kinswoman, but she is from the Red League. A sunny disposition not many mercenaries possess just pours out from her... and I am not sure I wish to approach her. Painful memories alone rest with Dryads for me. 'And then the other two. A pair, clearly, from the way they interact. The woman, who said her name is Ekatereene Vulkoth - I admit to not knowing the correct spelling, so I write what I heard - I find it difficult to imagine myself working with her except in the most extreme situations... unfortunately, this situation is incredibly so. And thus I'll have to put up with her. But her companion... he decided to join for peace. I admire that in him. I cannot truly agree with the methods I have little doubt he will employ, but at least his aim is true. 'Our mission appears simple. Restore peace. But I cannot help but wonder if Mistress Fate will decide that she will cast the dice in, or against, our favour.[/color][/i]'