Jideh started, seeing Zeke and Dia hug made him realize his mistake. He slapped his forehead, hard. He slapped it again, and again, and once more for good measure. Jideh spun around in a circle and stamped a foot. He took a deep breath, calmed himself, and looked to both Dia and Zeke. "I'm sorry you guys. Friends don't whisper-yell at each other, and they don't get mad at harmless mistakes. Let's just start over. I'm Jideh Basrah, of Hort Town. My family are farmers, and they sent me to the Academy to better learn how to mold the land's bounty. I'm meant to be the pride and joy of my family's crop, not to mention their representative. I can't go making a fool of myself day one can I? Well, I guess maybe I can. But the point is, I'm not a push-over. I can get REAL pushy from time to time. And from what I can tell, you two aren't exactly the go-getter type, am I right?" [i]Sheesh, never thought I'd be the alpha in a group before. Big brother would be so proud... Then again, a stiff-stemmed tulip would have more backbone than these two.[/i] "So I'll do my best to try not to be so pushy, but you just have to let me know straight up if I overstep my bounds alright? And to answer your question Dia, no, you do not have to talk to the prof. But am I right in saying that we're all looking forward to a good hot meal?" Jideh's gaze settled on Zeke, and he felt his expression soften from what was a determined yet hopeful face, into something a bit more fraternal. "That we're all looking forward to a little piece of home? Food's the same everywhere after all." [@Old Amsterdam] [@Regitnui]