The girl was cold, but comforting. He wanted to reach up and hug her back, but instead leaned his head onto hers. With a sniff, he said, "I'll be okay. I think." He closed his eyes, trying and failing to picture her face, not coming up with anything to call her. "Icy," he eventually settled on. "I think I'm going to call you Icy," he told her, finding her picture on his camera. She was the only girl he'd photographed today, so he just needed to remember today's date to find it, hopefully. Then the other one caught up. Yellow started talking. And talking. And talking. And talking. And talking. And talking. And eventually stopped. "You're noisy, Yellow," Zeke said when the boy stopped to take a breath. He stood up and gave Icy a hug back. He didn't understand what she was talking about some of the time, but he liked her. She was quiet like he was. Not noisy like Yellow. "Don't do that noise again," Zeke told the other boy. "It's weird and scary." [@Kalleth][@Old Amsterdam]