“Helena? Helena.” The girl had said that her friends called her Hel, but given that she and Esperanza were not quite friends yet, the necromancer refrained from calling her that just yet. Perhaps someday, but not now. She smiled brightly at Hel, then continued her work in clearing up the spill. “You do not need to thank me, Helena. I am happy to help you clean up.” By this point, some of the milk had soaked into the gauze around her arms, causing it to droop and expose more of the ink beneath. Esperanza made a half hearted attempt to dry it before giving up and ripping the bandages away and into the garbage. Tattoos and fresh scabs wound up her skin like ivy. “Do not be worried about the cuts,” Esp said, returning to the table with fresh napkins. “My mother taught me how to use Blood Magic. I know some, but I am hoping to learn more here.” She smiled again, patting away at a particularly sludgy mound. “What classes will you be having, Helena?” [@VitoftheVoid]