Jake watched as the room became quite crowded as miss Stargazer answered his question about lessons. When the head master walked in a huge smile grew across his face. Then the head master revealed his hand was missing and Jake became even more interested. Jake was about to bombard the head master with questions when he felt ShiZhen grab his sleeve. Reflex kicked in and he stepped in front of ShiZhen putting himself between her and the gruesome sight. Jake thought it was awesome mainly because regeneration was one thing Jake had learned from his dad, on a minor scale of course no regrowing limbs and all, along with warming or cooling his blood to suit the temperature for he worked outside allot for his parents. As the headmaster turned to show off his regenerative abilities to another student Jake turned to ShiZhen [color=red]"Don't worry it's just the head master I heard he's not really a living person maybe he's held together by his elemental power. That would be pretty awesome and don't worry if someone tries doing anything like that to you I'll kick there ass."[/color] Then Jake heard the head master speaking and turned back around still in between ShiZhen and the head master. After the head master welcomed the students Jake bowed as well [color=red]"Thank you head master your freaking awesome dude I wanna be able to spare with you one day so I guess I better get good at regenerating."[/color] Jake smiled while putting up his fist with a rock on gesture. Then Jake turned back around to ShiZhen. [color=red]"So where do you wanna go first?"[/color]