[b]Colonia Mania. The Citadel[/b] The Carved Table Room was one of the most well known locations inside the Citadel. Even though its access was limited to a few trusted guards and the commanding officers of the VIIth Legion, the place where the Exarch held his war councils soon captured the imagination of the masses outside. With little in the way of more interesting subjects to talk about, both Northmen and Legionaries liked to wonder and talk about what was inside the room. Sure, everyone knew there was a table who was supposed to be in some way special. But besides that? Rumors varied wildly. Some said the Legate had a harem of defeated warrior women chained to his throne, so that he could hold orgies while conferring with his Tribunes. Others said that the War Room was stuffed to the brim with treasures from all over the world, including the stuffed cadavers of all kings and warlords defeated by the VIIth. And a few even went as far as saying that the Carved Table was actually a magical device that allowed the Night Mother to communicate with the Exarch directly. Of course, all of that was bullshit. The Tribunes and soldiers were more than willing to share what was really inside the room. But it's not like any random bondsmen could walk up to a Tribune and ask. Not if you like not getting flogged. Besides, whenever the few Legionaries with access to the place tried to dismiss the rumors they were jeered and laughed at. Of course, they would try to cover for their masters. So eventually they stopped bothering and decided to have some fun themselves with the whole situation. Now back to the room. It isn't actually that out there. Sure, its nicer than the random Northmen would be used to, with marble columns, beautiful statues and colorful mosaics. But compared to the wildest rumors, it really wasn't that much. And the vaunted table was just a thick slab of mahogany carved to represent the Northlands. Impressive, sure. But not really "magical artifact"-impressive. Anyway, the reason for all this talk is because the Carved Table Room was being used again (and because Drunken likes to ramble about useless stuff). Missives had arrived from the Capital, including some rather unfortunate orders for Manius and his Legion. And that brings us to the scene itself, with Exarch Manius Quinctilius Dolabella and his Tribunes stood around the large table of carved wood representing the entire breadth of the North. The men had just finished settling into their proper places around the solid map. Not sitting mind you, Imperial Tribunes could certainly stand to stand for the few hours it took to hold the council. And if not, well, they didn't deserve to hold the position to start with. "My Tribunes!" Manius thundered, because he used to forgot that inside voice was a thing. "I have received urgent missives from our master, the Archon of War." "Its war, right?" Gnaeus Gentilius asked eagerly, a wide grin covering his ruddy face. "We're finally going to crush the Southlands." "I have not finished." Manius replied sternly, glaring at the overeager Tribune, who at least had the decency to look ashamed. "But yes, the Empire is finally bringing civilization to the southerners, it seems. And we will be taking no part on it." The room exploded into murmurs and shock. Before another thunderous shout brought back the silence. "We have been tasked with holding the Northlands while the armies of the Empire march south." Manius paused. "It's certainly not the most glorious task." He took a deep breath. "But its just as necessary and important as marching down South. Otherwise we would simply win the South while losing the North. I will soon enter in talks with Legate Sergius and the other Exarchs of the North, so as to better coordinate the defense of the land." "So, what exactly will change?" Asked a visibly confused Titus Septimus. "Aren't we already supposed to be doing that anyways?" "Direct as always, Septimus..."Manius remarked. "But you are indeed right. Our basic duties will not change. But they might be expanded. For example, Legatus Sergius will be taking his Legion South, and so we may need to end up covering for him while the war goes on. The same goes for any other Exarch that marches to war." "Do we even have the manpower to take on these new duties?" Asked Gnaeus. "I believe so, forces will be left behind to support us. At least Sergius has already pledged to grant us the support of his levies after his Legions depart." Manius replied, before adding more forcefully. "Steel yourselves, my brothers! We have much work to do yet."