He had recently arrived in Kokotha. A mauve trenchcoat fell soft to the city concrete as he walked. There was an elegant band slid along his right index finger and a red lollipop shuffled in the corner of his mouth. Visible on his hips were a sheathed rapier on the right and a sheathed Estoc on the left, why he chose the Rapier's bulky handle that often snagged against the fabric of his coat was a mystery even to himself. He also adjusted his walk to more of a bop-hop than anything which resembled a normal gait. It made him looked comedic and unorthodox in body, and outright weird amidst the social elite. He didn't care about any of that, today he was looking for a drink and some peace. Kokotha may not be the place to get both in the same, but he sure was going to get one of them before his stay here was up. He passed a high-class looking cafe: drink it was. He pulled open the cafe door and limbered inside, he didn't bother socializing with people who already thought themselves better than he was. Tetu came from nobility, but these rich people were different. They were new money. Big. Everything had an air of grandiose and a stench of avarice about it. Even in this hippy haven. Some part of him felt swallowed; he was inside the belly of a beast whose hunger these peons could never satiate. He ordered himself a mocha. He didn't even like coffee, it stained his teeth--and he spent [i]at least[/i] twenty minutes a day brushing, flossing, and swirling mouthwash to ensure his dentals had no dirt whatever in or atop them.