Vacuum was all Oz needed to hear. He projected an airtight dome over himself and Jenso. This was going to be one awkward fight. [color=violet]"We won't last long in here if he keeps this up. Our air supply is finite and if he uses void magic on my shield, bye bye bubble."[/color] Oz knelt down on both knees, bowed his head, closed his eyes and rested his fists against one another in his lap. [color=violet]"Looks like this is the way it's going to have to be, Jenso. I'll give you everything I've got. I'm sorry but unless he stops suppressing the air it's going to be like this. Give em' hell for me."[/color] Energy began to wisp off of him, lighting up his clothes and wafting around his hair as if gravity was no longer a law. He slowly lifted off the ground, moving to the edge of the bubble. He still knelt. The last few things he spoke sounded like a chant of some kind. [color=violet]"I am to bear the brunt of evil; I am to be a pillar to the world; I will go beyond.."[/color] Oz was cut off as he drifted from the air bubble, a small shield still surrounding his knelt form. The bubble over Jenso tightened and condensed. It was following him. Oz was separating himself from Jenso to give him a better chance at victory over Geode's effective tactic. Oz just kept hovering like he was frozen in the personal barrier at the edge of the chamber. He exuded a brilliant light despite his stillness. There was something going on with him.