It was time for her to step forward, within a few steps she covered the 15 foot distance before her and the great beast, her brown eyes looking up at the monstrous beast before a cruel smile crossed her features. Even if she was not the one to fell the beast, she would hit it with everything she had left in her arsenal and once they were safe... yes, once they were safe she would see to Wick's injuries and ensure that her fellow Aasimir was healed. Hopefully this creature would be dead before it got a chance to target the other female again, otherwise Thea would have to ensure to heal her right away rather than waiting, she didn't need a creature like this taking out any of her friends, not while she was around. Now toe to... foot... with the giant beast, the Paladin rose her weapon, the blade gleaming with the spells she had cast on it moments before. [b][color=C0C0C0]"Lets see how you do against the might of the Gods,"[/color][/b] she sneered before bringing the blade down in a mighty swing, the enchanted metal biting into the creature's form just before an bright flash of light erupted from the blade. If she was lucky, the creature's Will would not be as strong as her own and she would be safe for a little longer. However, to ensure that Wick would be ok, and would not have to deal with the outright damage that she would potentially have to deal with, Thea set herself between the Woman at the Monster. She would force herself to be the target if need be, saving Wick from any further damage, or so she hoped. [b][color=C0C0C0]"Stay behind me if you can Wick,"[/color][/b] the Paladin shouted over the destruction of their world, [b][color=c0c0c0]"Allow me to be the focus of his attacks if he decides to strike whomever be closest."[/color][/b] And at the time... the monster seemed to have it's choice of herself, or the monk who seemed to stand so precariously at the edge. [hider=I SHALL SMITE THEE] Attack roll --> [url=]20[/url] Bardic Inspiration for insult to injury --> [url=]4[/url] Bringing Thea's total atk roll to 24 Before her attack, Thea utilizes a Spell slot to cast Divine Smite and she also utilizes a Bonus action to begin Concentration for Redeemed smite. Attack rolls are as follows: Great Sword --> [url=]9[/url] Divine Smite --> [url=]9[/url] Redeemed Smite - Radiant Damage Chosen on Successful hit --> [url=]12[/url] Total Damage Done is 30 Leviathan must Succeed on a Will Save Throw or Thea gets a total of 12 Temp hit points [/hider] [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]