[@shylarah] from urban dictionary: "when you have to be better and overly go up and beyond for unnecessary reasons. *michael goes up to board* *instead of showing a picture, a PowerPoint goes on screen* Michael: this is me at the met with my project Everyone in class: BOY, WHY ARE YOU SO EXTRA?!?!?" "when someone does something that is just unecessary and OVER THE TOP....like just DONT DO IT! a man wants to sit down on da bus.... but has to break out da disinfectant nd and all sorts first....EXTRA ""stop bein so extra"" ""why you bein extra for?"" ""your so extra""" "Someone who is over the top for completely unnecessary reasons. They will go out of their way to prove this. Austin made a 30 page assignment when only 20 pages were required. He is extra." lmaooo also applies to annoyingly pretentious people and know-it-alls