[quote=@Remipa Awesome] Also I want to apologize ahead of time due to my lack of understanding in.... To put it bluntly I guess planes in general. Everyone else seems to know a lot more then I do here. So I will do some more research in hopes I can at least keep up a bit but it may not be great. [/quote] Tempting as it is for me to chalk it up to 20+ years of fanboyism on the subject(s), most of what I know came from roughly a dozen books at the local public library and trying to consistantly apply that to roleplays. -One of which was kind enough to go over how to read a vintage 1950's era radar-scope (and later improvements of the PPI). -Other supplements were US Army training videos of old (obsolete) technology, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn3a599OeGE]like audio-only frequency-modulated ground survaillence radar[/url] (stuff currently fielded is significantly better, and automated*) So far, the only "flaw" I'm seeing in the Yerrill fighter planes is that the controls appear to be a tad... "twerky". Which is no-doubt super-abusive to their pilots. *Still... SICON ftw.