[center][color=8493ca][h2]Silas Asara[/h2][/color][/center] It was clear to Silas that he had made an impression on Zafi, his little trick with the water serpent had only cemented this fact. She was clearly pleased by his performance, the slight smile on her formerly stoic face said that much. Zafi herself didn't seem like a half bad person, she was just a touch... strange, that's all. Before long Silas was signalled by Zafi to wait. Eager to see what she would come up with, Silas moved himself a little closer and turned so that he could have a full on view of whatever was about to happen. As Zafi placed her hands over her heart Silas couldn't help but think, [color=8493ca][i] Hmmm, what elemental could she be? What is she planning to do? I wonder...[/i][/color] It was just a few short moments later that the fruits of her labour would come to be. At first Silas thought the small glitter that had spawned itself on Zafi's palm was just his eyes fooling him, but upon closer inspection it was revealed to be a small, incandescent cinder. That was only the beginning, a few moments later the glowing orb was joined by more sparks like itself, each individual flare glowed like a beacon across the night sky. Every second the light and warmth radiated by the glowing mass would grow as more cinders joined the fold. [color=8493ca]" Fire, That... is amazing. I've never seen a fire elementalist befo-"[/color] Before Silas could finish his sentence, he was swallowed by a wave of intense heat and blackened smoke, accidentally inhaling a great deal of the fumes in the process. It felt horrible, the smog forcing him to drop onto his hands and knees and begin coughing profusely. He tried to keep himself from coughing on Zafi, as it wouldn't be retribution, that would just make him an asshole, and a disgusting one at that. [color=8493ca][i] I swear if that was intentional...[/i][/color] Eventually he had expelled the soot from his system, and Silas looked up to see the very same girl who conjured the blast attempting to shoo away the aftermath. The difference in height had struck him for the first time, Zafi seemed like a titan from Silas's current angle. [b][color=DDA0DD]”Pardonnez-moi! Are you broken?! Are you alright?!”[/color][/b] [color=8493ca]" Broken? Not a chance, at least not yet. Alright? That depends on what you see as alright, you see I did just get shot in the face at close range by a wave of smoke and fire."[/color] Silas said in a semi-serious and sarcastic tone before coughing once more. [color=8493ca] "Okay, hopefully that was the last of it. But seriously, I'm alright"[/color] [@Aiyanna]