[@Lucian] [hider=My Hider] [b][color=39b54a]Aquarious the mysterious[/color][/b] -Image provided later- Aquarious is a mysterious elf that normally sticks to himself. He lives near the edge of mirkwood, on the largest river. He is asked frequently by the mirkwood elves for guidance, for he is older than most of them. He normally helps the rangers as entertainment and pay. Many think him not the race that he appears, but there is little proof. He is greatly skilled in the magical and silent arts, but prefers swords and speed over what spells he knows. When the mirkwood elves were called, they asked him to accompany their repersentative. He had to be swayed with gold and the reason why in order to go. He has many friends in middle earth, even among dwarves believe it or not. He is quite when traveling, but very wisecracky. He always makes constructive-critsism jokes about others. He has a short temper, and the only way to calm him is to flater him. He prefers walking over horseback, and horses don't really like him either. He is good friends with the wizards and sells potions to Gondor. People think that he has a lot of treasure, because he is able to buy everything he needs from a smith if he needed gold armor. When he eats, unlike most elves, he will eat fish, which he normally eats with kelp and vegatative land fairing plants. When people ask things about him he litteraly runs off. Aquarious normally keeps duel short swords as a deffensive measure, for he prefers to trick them before fighting unless its orcs and goblins. [/hider] Does Aquarious get to join the fray?