Vivian squinted at the disconnect between the two: did they engage with different goals in mind? Whatever the reason for two different answers, she welcomed the slight pause. She even hesitantly lowered her knife as the older one raised his to sheathe it. But he suddenly dropped it, and her gaze flickered instantly to the second male, who was dumbfounded by the bullets scattered on the ground. Finally, her eyes fell on Dawn, who was managing to slowly stand on her shaky legs. Now would be the ideal time to attack, take one of them down while the girl had her brain claws on them--but which was the regenerator Dawn had mentioned? Where was the third? Dawn wanted to back off, [i]why[/i]? Her hesitation costed her the chance altogether and she tensed again as she looked around--she would flee if Dawn did, but the girl didn't seem like she could get far. "Lead the way," she told her, bitter sarcasm lacing her words. Not counting on going anywhere fast, Vivian looked to the one who had requested a simple conversation from her and her [i]companion[/i]. It was the second time he brought up alliances. She wasn't sure if they wanted her or Dawn or [i]both[/i], but a united front would be stronger than a split one. "We just met. But even I'm not so cruel as to leave an innocent girl with strange men," she sneered at him before glancing around again, staying vigilant for number three. She could feel her breath steadying again, her strength returning.