[@fandomfan8] [@Mangrale] [@LiegeLord] [@Mistiel] [@Dealdric] [@deerling] [color=a187be]"Cecilia and Ivory will be paired up. James and Neemious. Will be paired up for our next activity. We want you to use your powers if you can. We want you to use this activity to get to know someone. Making connections is just as important as learning to control your powers. You will ask the person you are paired with. Learn about them and their life. Then create a picture to represent what you've learned."[/color] The counselors explained in unison. [color=6ecff6]"Umm... It's ok. I'm used to odd. I believe you've met my sister. If I can deal with anyone. You can have yourchoice of beds."[/color] Kyle answered gently. He wasn't sure what to think of a boy who talked to and about himself. But he was adaptable. He had to be.