Almost as soon as the words left her mouth, Shuko found herself regretting them. Even if Boro had heard, she couldn't know for sure how he might react, and if things went badly the whole group would end up blaming her for it. It would've been easier to just stay in the background and let events run their natural course. At least that way, whatever happened wouldn't have been her fault. Then she heard Boro speak her name. Frightened, she looked up, only to see him walking away, disappearing amidst the thick clouds of smoke that faded away soon after. [i]What?[/i] It... was over? He'd left them be, releasing everyone from the prison formed by his Quirk without kicking any of them out. Perhaps it was just luck, but her gamble had paid off. Before she got a chance collect herself, Tommy had his arms around her again. His compliment made her smile, along with the sudden realization that she'd actually been right and that she [i]might[/i] have just saved everyone from being booted off the program. Part of her felt like pumping her fists in the air and shouting out with relief, but she kept herself restrained, not wanting to look smug about the whole affair. [color=8493ca]"Thanks! To be honest, I wasn't quite sure if..."[/color] She trailed off, seeing that he'd moved on already. A free spirit, that one. People were tricky, impossible to fully understand though raw calculation, but at least now she'd started to get a sense of how this strange group worked, even if a few individuals remained a mystery to her. Lagging behind the more adventurous students, she managed to get a quick look past them to the room ahead, where Tumble herself awaited. Her eyes widened, and she blushed a little at the sight. Whatever she'd been expecting, this wasn't it. There really was no way to put it politely: the so-called hero looked like the kind of woman who'd hang around in dive bars and nightclubs, letting people pick her up and have their way with her. The messy hair and unkempt clothing Shuko could understand and sympathize with, but for their supposed mentor to be completely asleep, not making any effort to present herself well for them, with her blouse in a state like [i]that[/i] in front of a group full of teenage boys? What the [i]hell[/i] had Tumble been thinking? The only thing that kept Shuko from freezing up in sheer mortification was the echo of Boro's parting words. [i]Believe in Tumble.[/i] This could be a test, or a prank, a plan meant to keep the hero candidates on their toes and gauge their reactions. She couldn't back out just yet, not until she was sure. Nor could she stand by and let the boys pile onto a sleeping woman like that. [color=8493ca]"Wait!"[/color] She reached out with both arms, trying to grab Tommy before he went careening off towards the slumbering hero, but he'd already gotten a head start and she only ended up stumbling forwards, painfully banging one hip on the table's edge. [color=8493ca]"Aaaaah-!"[/color] It wasn't serious, but it made her lean over and wince, cutting short any further attempts at dealing with the rowdy boys. Not that she could have done much anyways. Helpless, she could only glance imploringly at the other girls, hoping one of them would be able to intervene before Tumble woke up and realized what was going on.