[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ff00]Jack Hudson[/color][/h1][img]https://s16.postimg.org/gjthyfpv9/image.png[/img][hr][color=00ff00][b]Location[/b][/color]: The Rec Center (Building 7)[/center][hr][hr]Jack whistled slightly at Miss Sally's expert verbal sparring, as she reminded James that there wasn't another bed in Ash's house. The more he learned about this entire situation, the more he figured that Ash was getting some well needed stress relief that evening. And if that was truly the case, he couldn't help but be ecstatic for the man. While he'd never chatted with Ash about those sort of exploits, he figured it had been [i]way[/i] too long for Newnan's Commander in Chief. People had needs, after all. As Lyon added into the conversation, Jack couldn't help but again notice how perfect he seemed to be for Miss Sally. Both were some of the more elder members in Newnan and both were sitting all smug, discussing with near certainty that the Captain might have finally scored. He couldn't help but imagine Lyon and Miss Sally sitting by a fireplace, drinking tea, as they discussed potential relationship pairings in Newnan. Maybe they even gambled over it, placing bets on which couples would happen, which would stay together, and which would fall apart... ...Maybe he'd ask Miss Sally about that later. [color=00ff00]"Yeah, isn't she amazin'?"[/color] Jack beamed, wrapping an arm around his wife giddily. He had put a little thought into names--and by a little, it was more accurate to say almost none at all. Bazhooli seemed a good choice for a boy--and Davina, perhaps, for a girl. Or maybe Sally for a girl and Victor for a boy. Was the father supposed to pick the name, Jack wondered? Or was that a mother's job? He'd honestly never thought about it. ...Another thing to ask Miss Sally about, then: the role of the father. Or maybe Lyon or Froggy would be better for that conversation. [color=00ff00]"Bet she's already a bettah dancah and everythin' than I evah could be,"[/color] Jack joked. [color=00ff00]"Or he. Could be a he, too."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#23D5B7]Beatrice Decker[/color][/h1][img]https://s23.postimg.org/t4mnxqxsr/Screen_Shot_2017-03-30_at_1.31.58_PM.png[/img][hr][color=#23D5B7][b]Location[/b][/color]: The Rec Center (Building 7)[/center][hr][hr]Beatrice nodded at Ray as he asked her to watch their food, though the odds that anyone would take it were rather slim. She figured that the little kids would be the obvious culprits, if any, and she didn't see any youngsters in the immediate area. Beatrice recalled spotting Ciel earlier that evening, but it was likely getting too late for the kids anyways. It may have been the apocalypse, but sleep was still important for the little ones. However, Beatrice did observe Jim leave his bartending duties and head out of the rec center. Ordinarily, that wouldn't have been enough to gain her interest. The wedding had been designed for people to go on shifts and then come to the reception when they were able to. But instead of going to chat with the couple, as she imagined he'd do when his shift ended, he left. As she remembered all of the disasters that had happened the day she arrived, with the explosions that had drawn her attention to Newnan, she couldn't help but hope this wasn't a repeat of that. She hated weddings, but damnit, she did appreciate the relative peace and quiet of [i]not[/i] being eaten alive by walkers. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=ff6600]Chloe Ridgeway[/color][/h1][img]https://s8.postimg.org/ktclnzfol/chloe7.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b][color=ff6600]Location[/color][/b]: Heading South on Lagrange[/center][hr][hr]Chloe heard footsteps approaching her, and she already dreaded the forced interaction. If it was Ryan, she didn't want to deal with him at the moment. She could hardly keep it together as it was. She doubted that it'd be her sister--she'd be performing at the wedding or wooing the redhead, Amelia, from earlier. Someone from the security detail seemed to be the most likely bet--probably to make sure that she wasn't trying to pull any shit, because in Newnan, there was no goddamn trust to be found. [color=ff6600]"I didn't fucking do--"[/color] Chloe began to snap, as she turned around to face the person. But when she saw it was her sister, she quickly rubbed her hands against her eyes, trying to keep the tears from continuing to flow. For the most part, she managed to clean herself up, but her eyes were puffy and the skin around them was red. Her breathing was a bit shaky--not the very worst it could have been, but not normal and even. [i]Was she okay? [/i]Chloe had an honest answer to that question: not at all. Memories that she had attempted to repress for ages were coming back with a vivid intensity and it was all too much. She found herself in the same situations, repeating the same mistakes, and it only caused her small self esteem to fall even lower. But at the same time, she found the thought of voicing those thoughts, of verbalizing those feelings, to be horrifying. If she said aloud what was on her mind, then it became all too real. [color=ff6600]"He went for a walk or some shit, probably getting high as kite,"[/color] Chloe responded, ignoring the question as to whether she was okay or not. She didn't know the words to say to her sister just yet, and she scratched at her wrist, feeling nervous and vulnerable and sad and unclean all at once. [color=ff6600]"Don't you need to be singing or something?"[/color] Chloe asked, forcing a smile, but sniffling slightly all the same. The more she tried to keep it all in and bottle it up that night, the more cracks appeared in her façade. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=00ccff]Ravi Chakrabarti[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/c1d8b803fb118e8a5d21160c64b41bad/tumblr_inline_o9ry7tizrj1txmes7_250.gif[/img][hr][color=00ccff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Outside of Newnan[/center][hr][hr]Ravi rolled his eyes at Gavin, with a slight hint of embarrassment to his action. It was a facial expression that wouldn't have been out of place in an old married couple, when one partner acted a bit too weirdly in public--especially around strangers. He would have come up with a comeback--absolutely brilliant and original, of course--but representatives of Newnan interrupted his train of thought. [color=00ccff]"Of course,"[/color] Ravi nodded. The request for the weapons to be handed over was reasonable, as they were strangers. He handed over his machete and pistol, nearly grabbing his green card from an old, old habit. The last time he had been asked to hand items over before entering an area, his identification had been needed. And while country borders didn't exist anymore, he still had a lingering sense of paranoia that drove him to hold onto the piece of plastic. Hearing the French accent was a slight comfort to him as well--if they weren't in public, he might have teased Gavin about how it was the European Union that provided this shelter for them, rather than the Lone Star State. And although he may have been glad to see another doctor, he generally didn't care for doctors that treated the living. They reminded him of his time with the CDC, and his (in his opinion) unjust firing. [color=00ccff]"Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti,"[/color] Ravi introduced himself, extending a hand. Had he been paying attention, he would have been thrilled to know that his beard was looking rather stunning at the moment, with not a hair out of place.