[hider=Aer Pacifica][CENTER][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/536282f09b93c18fe58936edb24ed88f/tumblr_or1luu2IGH1w6599so1_400.png[/img] [color=tomato] [h3]“That was a joke! You're suppose to laugh… Crybaby...” [/h3][/color][/CENTER] ⛑ [color=tomato][b]N A M E[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Aer Pacifica [/indent] ⛑ [color=tomato][b]A G E[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]18[/indent] ⛑ [color=tomato][b]O R I G I N[/b][/color][hr][INDENT] A nameless slum in Gillia[/indent] ⛑ [color=tomato][b]V I S A G E[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Aer isn't unlike most girls in that she likes to experiment with her hair. But in combat it's always tied back into a ponytail. Like most amber children, Aer is small in stature, just barely reaching five feet tall. Pacifica typically walks around more depressed areas in a plain brown cloak that hides her outlandish, eccentric uniform. In wealthier areas where it's more acceptable, Pacifica foregoes wearing her cloak and struts around in her uniform, which is worn by all woman who become Gillian battle mages. The outfit's most famous traits are it's unnaturally broad cuffs for the arms, as well as the tunic's long penguin tail. Less talked about openly are the thigh high socks.[/INDENT] ⛑ [color=tomato][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Aer loves to talk, make crude jokes, and let her wit fly even with complete strangers. She's almost always in high spirits, even in the face of danger. Such is the life of an adventurer, to face each challenge with the broad smile of determination. While Aer is a social creature, she does hold the belief that everyone more or less looks out for themselves. And she knows that she is no different. Pacifica will not go out of her way to harm perfectly innocent people, nor will she stand by idly if there's something that can be done. But survival is paramount. [/INDENT] ⛑ [color=tomato][b]L I F E E X P E R I E N C E S[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Aer was born into a poor family in the slums. The nearby amber plant caused a lot of children in the area to be amber children, and Aer was among them. Despite both of her parents being employed, they couldn't provide for their clutch of children. They were simply too kind. Her good natured parents would try to adopt and provide for any child that came their way. Aer had no jobs available to her and was unable to sustain herself on what others threw away. So the young street rat became a thief to provide for her ever growing family. She learned how to steal, fight, and play dirty in her unforgiving environment. But cunning and careful as she may have been, the authorities only have to catch you once... For most, Gillia's jails would have been a death sentence. But the government was able to more closely monitor her magical powers. Rather than make an example of the thief, they offered her a spot among the elite: the battle mages. Aer had no reasonable alternate options, so she took their offer. Surely being a legal slave was a better fate than rotting away in a jail cell. [/INDENT] ⛑ [color=tomato][b]E L E M E N T A L A F F I N I T Y[/b][/color][hr][INDENT] Ignis[/INDENT] ⛑ [color=tomato][b]A T T R I B U T E S[/b][/color][hr][INDENT] Gillia has old and very primitive concepts of magic, and were traditionally Artificem Magi. This is largely because the battle mages often wore a lot of equipment to protect themselves from their own spells. In times of yore, they were not hiding behind formations, but leading the charge. [color=Tomato]Equipment:[/color] Most of Aer's equipment is pretty standard for a Gillian battle mage. [color=Tomato]Jubilation Staff:[/color] A staff named after the feeling one gets after achieving conquest or a great goal, and awarded to battle mages who finish their training. The staff is light and durable. the jewels on either end act as foci. [color=Tomato]Battle mage Uniform:[/color] A soft garb with an exotic shape. While it doesn't offer much physical defense, it is light and sewn with magical thread that resist extreme temperature change, like from Aer's spells. [color=Tomato]Battle Caster Gloves:[/color] Stylish black gloves with a jeweled wrist. Resists temperature change and can also act as foci for spells. [color=Tomato]Battle Caster Boots:[/color] Aer's boots are a bit big, but that's just because they were made with a very high level of heat resistance. Can walk even on lava, but one has to be careful not to sink! can also act as foci for spells. [color=Tomato]Cute Red Purse:[/color] A cute red purse that looks like a cat. Not a battle mage standard. [color=Tomato]Enchanted Coins:[/color] Enchanted coins that are stowed in Aer's cute red purse. The coins have a hole in the center. Not for spending. [color=Tomato]Enchanted Ribbon:[/color] A ribbon Aer keeps in her cute red purse. It's long and soft, and strung threw a few enchanted coins. [color=Tomato]Ugly Brown Purse:[/color] A purse filled with dirt. [i]"I've got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it?"[/i] ⛑ [color=Tomato]Magic:[/color] Most of Aer's magic stems from "Molecular Manipulation." Particularly the ability to accelerate and decelerate molecules. By making molecules move faster, Aer causes things to heat up. She can even make molecules move fast enough that it rips apart the fabric of the atoms, creating an explosion. By slowing down molecules, Aer can cause an object to cool. Aer can apply these effects near herself or any of her enchanted gear. With a foci, Aer gains even greater control over her magic by also being able to manipulate heat in a more direct way. Aer's foci are capable of creating flames, and can manipulate the movement of flames and heated objects as long as it's near one of her foci. ⛑ [color=Tomato]Other Abilities/Attributes:[/color] [color=Tomato]Amber Artificem:[/color] Aer's body has been infused with amber, the same substance that is used to enchant some foci for artificem spell casting. This allows Aer to use Foci and enchanted items that she's "tuned" to without needing to physically hold them. The short end of this (haha) is that Aer has a much smaller area around her Foci to control magic. Aer's most devastating spells often consumes the Foci she uses to evoke them because of this. [color=Tomato]Rogue:[/color] Aer had very humble beginnings, and underhanded tactics were necessary to survive. Aer possesses all the tools of a thief, from knowing how to move undetected, slight of hand, agility, etc. [color=Tomato]Gillian staff Maiden:[/color] Aer took her training very seriously, and has become one with her staff. [color=Tomato]Adventurer:[/color] Aer's Love affair with gossip means she talks to anyone and everything. Stick Aer in a tavern, buy everyone a few beers, and she'll tell you all the town's secrets the following morning. [color=Tomato]Enchanter:[/color] Aer understands the process of enchanting small items and gear for her magic. A trick she learned from her parents. How long it takes depends on the size of the item, but it's generally not something that can be done during a fight. [/INDENT] [/hider]