[centre][h1][color=crimson]Across The Seven Seas[/color][/h1] [img]https://img1.etsystatic.com/174/0/10786811/il_570xN.1163540627_rsk7.jpg[/img][/centre] [centre]In the land of Merlian, there was a kingdom which was ruled by chaos. Why? It's because of pirates. They broke every law made by the monarchy whenever possible. People began rebelling against the royalty and the pirates were slowly gaining control over the land. However, one sunny day, the kingdom was attacked by an unknown force.The kingdom wasn't strong enough to fight back due to the divided sides. The kingdom perished and those who survived were forced to stay on the only ship left in the whole of the land - the pirate's ship. With the limited space and different lifestyles, will they survive or will the former inhabitants of Merlian perish forever?[/centre] [hider=About the ship] The ship is named Domina Artemis. It has enough space for a small crew and by small I mean a crew consisting of 9 members and 5 captives. [hider=The ship infront of the kingdom] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9e/75/41/9e7541707a2558b415464bfab3017999.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hr] [hider=Rules] [list] [*]Have as many characters as you want. [*]Romance allowed [*]Do Not God-mode [*]Do Not Overpower Yourself or Others [*]Do Not Metagame [*]At least 3 sentences per post. [*]Do Not Lorebreak [*] Put 'Aye' in your CS if you've read the rules [*]Do Not Powerplay [*]Do Not Play Mary-Sues [*]Listen to the Gm and Co-Gm(s). [/list] [/hider] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/163345-across-the-seven-seas-pirate-roleplay/ooc](The rp)[/url]