[@Lord of Evil][@kiwiwi] (Sorry mine have been so short! Been a bit busy) Natasha peeked from her hiding spot, eyes locked onto the two men. When the first appeared behind the police officer and slammed his elbow into him, her breath caught, [i]I guess I should....[/i] her thought broke off as she noticed him check for the police officer's pulse, [i]Curious.[/i] she thought, creeping closer. She noticed he had her gloves, her eyes narrowing as he slipped the gloves on, [i]Why would he...[/i] she noticed him patch up the officer, shock and confusion reeling through her. Natasha bit her lip, but didn't dare look away. She could see the other man's mark now, [i]Interesting... They have the same mark as me... Why?[/i] she thought, she had seen other manner of markings, but had yet to see another like her own. At least, until now. Natasha crouched on the top of the building, noting the first man wanted to leave the scene, [i]Smart.[/i] she thought, getting ready to follow the two men, [i]Maybe they'll lead me somewhere worth while.[/i] she thought. Her mind went back to when the mark first appeared, and when Kevin had disappeared, [i]Who knows, maybe one of them knows Kevin or Kain.[/i] she thought.