Makoto entered the room and waved a hello at Mimic. Following instructions, Makoto picked up a headset and went to stand by Kat. It was good to see her friend again. She placed the heavy technology on her head and waited to be transported. Makoto ducked as soon as the scenery changed. The lower she was to the ground the better chance she had, no matter what environment she would be in. Dust settled around her as a chunk of a building had fallen off close to where she was. She saw the soldiers, their weapons and the civilians. Makoto tucked herself behind a close turned over car in a defensive position. Communication was going to be difficult with this task as she found that there were no intercom microphones. They would actually have to be in hearing range of one another to communicate. It seems as though she had spawned in close to the other newcomers, an unfamiliar team. There was not much around she could use and with her close range fighting style, the advantage was not hers. In an unrefined manner, Makoto reached out to see if she could sense any weapons that ran off of an electrical charge. If they did, maybe she could short circuit it. [@KatherinWinter]