[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZJrQjhZ.png[/img] [color=DDA0DD][i] [h2]Zafiriel[/h2][/i][/color] As the smog unveiled the now ashen-tinted hallway, Firiel saw Silas crouching on the floor, couching and spitting the vapour out of his lungs. For reason or another, Firiel’s lungs did not protest the unhealthy chemicals entering her intestines. At the sight of her new friend turning as pale as a young birch tree’s trunk, all signs of emotion escaped from her face. [color=8493ca]”Broken? Not a chance, at least not yet. Alright? That depends on what you see as alright, you see I did just get shot in the face at close range by a wave of smoke and fire.” – ”Okay, hopefully that was the last of it. But seriously, I'm alright.”[/color] Silas spoke in an edgy tone, that of matching his fiery look. The edge cut its way through to Zafiriel’s conscience. As she had stood there, mortified, unable to move, she now felt a prickly sting poke her brains. Her usually pale cheeks turned to a beautiful rosy hue. She almost considered running away from the situation. But as Silas turned to look at her, the edginess was gone. Zafiriel couldn’t stand to look at him after what she had done. He may still be displeased at her. Why was he still here? Why did he not lash out at her? Feeling defeated, Firiel slouched down beside him, resting her head on the rough wall behind her. She threw a quick glance at Silas. He hadn't noticed he had some ash stuck on his nosetip. Firiel felt a sudden urge to swipe it away. Just as she was about to do that, a female voice echoed in the emptied hallway. ”What in the...” A sudden burst of wind threw Firiel’s short hair backwards, making her look like a badly trimmed poodle. If she was surprised, it didn’t show on her face. She just watched nonchalantly as the girl in question approached them, looking extremely worried. ”You two alright over there?!” Unconsciously, Firiel secured her hands around her mother’s pocketwatch in her pocket. She felt guilt sting her again, making her hug her knees tightly. When the girl reached them, she saw something she would rather not have seen. Her face turned bright red with a puff of steam erupting from the top of her head. The girl’s skirt was somewhat windblown, exposing her panties. Firiel buried her face in Silas’s shoulder, hiding from the unchaste sight. She didn’t realise she was sitting awfully close to him, nudging her face behind him to hide herself from the girl and the whole world. [hr] [@CriticalHit] [@Hammerman] [/center]