[@Keileon] [i]As it turned out, Gonad could stand up quite well to electricity. The human body has a natural resistance to it, 99% of this resistance making up the skin. Those with a particularly thick, dry hide could have up to 100,000 Ω, even. Gonad was even tougher than that. But, that didn't matter in this scenario, because, well, the bastard was damp with sweat. Even then, it still wasn't nearly enough to do the job. A normal man might have been electrocuted on the spot depending on the potency of the charge. Gonad's honey badger-like, grizzly bear vitality and enhanced physical durability from the Beardforce reduced the effectiveness of the shock to that of a civilian taser. Tasers can make most folks fall right over, forces their muscles to clench up. Thing was, Gonad reigned supreme over his body. He had complete control over his musculature, able to overcome the spasms the moment he registered them. What's more, there have been men documented as withstanding stun guns during arrests, and there exist videos of police officers powering through stun guns during training as well.[/i] [youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=avAH49NY_iY[/youtube] [i]And like an aggrivated suspect, Gonad dropped his jolly airs and surged towards Jason, a grimace of effort twisting his features. It had slowed Gonad down, true, but not by much. It had affected him like how a rookie jab affects a professional boxer. What else could a sudden, out of the blue thunderjolt equate to? Worthy of a wince and a wink, but not even close to the caliber of a fight ending blow. Gonad, as a rule of thumb, didn't bargain with jabs. They were safe attacks, stunners, pokes. He preferred to simply brain the other guy and skip the formalities of 'feeling out an opponent'. Gonad did not stop to gape at the transformation. With his child-like acceptance, his simple minded capacity to take things at face value and adapt, it was no issue. That was assuming he wasn't relying on muscle memory to fight this one, which he was, brain waiting in the rafters in preparation of any muscular disruptions. Forty feet between them, and Gonad's body flooded with the might of a dragon. It might as well have been four feet. With savage dispatch he'd cross the road at a bound, leaping into the air towards the dragon's face with such abruptness that were Jason a religious man, might leave him thanking the sweet God above for his animal's reflexes. At one moment Gonad had been on the other side of a country highway, taking a Pikachu to the thorax. The next he had increased suddenly in size, transformed into a giant himself, nay... Simply moved in close, and fast, right knee hiked up high like a sprinter mid-stride. Could Jason see the scythe behind Gonad, the void-black robes flowing in their tatters in circumference of a pallid skull? Empty sockets alight with minute candlefire, dripping yellowed wax, lurid with anticipation? [/i]