[@MiddleEarthRoze] ok ok wait, I got it. Please bare with me. I'm a spawn of Ungoliant, a pure spider that was given birth after she retreated to Nan Dungortheb on her last years. Though it was smaller than it's brethren, it was fast and had the capability to jump up to 40 times it's own body length. After the War of Wrath ended, my character diverted from the other spawns of Ungoliant and explored middle earth while killing as many orcs and goblin and anyone who served under Morgoth as he could. At year 1000 TA, my spider returned to Mirkwood to rejoin it's companions, children of Shelob and whatnot second hand filth. There it learned of the dark shadow, "the necromancer" who had taken residence in Dol Guldur. Going to verify it itself, it was met by a creeping shadow moving just out of sight. Going right into attack, it was not able to even touch him. As the ghosts and wraiths started to emerge, it swiftly made it's escape by jumping out of the ruins. As it now considered itself the ruler of the spiders of the forest, it just couldn't allow another power to contest its territory. It enlisted the help of the other spiders to attack the ruins but eventually they failed and more than a dozen spiders perished. News reached him ,at that time, of the wizards who had arrived in Middle-Earth. The following years he spent his days trying to figure out a way to beating the looming shadow. Eventually he settled on putting sentry spiders on the forest surrounding the ruins, effectively isolating it. Hundreds of years later Radagast arrived in Mirkwood where the wizard tried to make contact with the animals of that place. Not soon after he was approached by the spawn of Ungoliant. There it warned him of the dark shadow that resigned over the ruins while also proclaiming his hate for Morgoth and it's forces, both things were the truth. Doing this he also expressed his wish to help the wizards in order to defeat all the remnant forces of Morgoth that still resigned in Middle-Earth like parasitic worms. After that he stayed in service of the wizard for a couple more hundred years until the shadow inside the ruins was revealed to be Sauron. Still harboring resentment on the betrayal of Morgoth towards his mother, he attempted to convince the other spiders, the children of Shelob, to attack the shadow that resided within the ruins knowing that it was Sauron but none would follow. Enraged he left the forest, not before killing a few of the other spiders. A year later, in TA 2851, Radagast told him of the plan to dispatch multiple creatures in order to search the Gladden Fields. For this the wizard gave him the power of transformation. Specifically, now it could transform itself into a large 4 eyed raven. 350 cm wingspan and 179 cm length and the ability to fly at speeds up to 400 km/h. The transformation couldn't suppress the poison that formed on his body and was channeled through its pincers so now it was channeled through its talons. OK, now is this good? Please...