[hr][hr][h3][b][i][center][color=a187be]Kyra [/color]& [color=82ca9d]Sana[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h3] [center][b][color=a187be]Location:[/color][/b] Cross Swords Tavern [b][color=a187be]Interacting With:[/color][/b] Satilla, Keystone, Mor, Each Other ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~[/center] Out in the graveyard there were not much for tracks to be found. The ones left by the militia were easy enough to pick out. They stayed along the outer edge of the area that was once the grave yard. And the tracks left by Cyneburg and Njat themselves were rather obvious. There were other tacks there that seemed at least fresh enough to have been made earlier that day. Both sets lead out of the graveyard and back towards town. Ones that would eventually get lost in the mirade of other wet roaded tracks left by the rest of the town. The graveyard was not isolated, just on the outskirts on the Northwest side - the temple could be seen directly to the east less than a few minutes walk away. The sun was set now and with the winter coming, the chill in the air was setting in quickly. The smell of snow hung in the air, it would be there within a few days time. Over in the tavern Kyra smirked at Keystone. Considering she hadn't hit the shit out of him the night he released the kraken she figured he had gotten off easy. The fact he had made poor Femnal vomit all over again was not doing the group any favors. It was the only inn in town, if smacking some sense into the big lug kept the owner from kicking them out he could take the smack to his ego as far as she was concerned. Sana couldn't help but keep laughing as Kyra smacked Keystone looking over towards Satilla and nodding a bit while she tried to get her laughter under control. Then Thomas came over and at first Kyra was at least grateful that he was apologizing to Sana. Then he pulled a Njat and she had had it. Her fists curling up before she slammed one onto the table with rather brutish force. [color=a187be]"Does no one in this fucking group know how to keep their traps shut? Or is it just common practice for you folk to go airing your business to anyone and everyone around?"[/color] she growled. Lowering her head as her palm spread out from the fist and rested on the table she shook her head. [color=a187be]"Sana, these folk are going to get you killed because of their stupidity..."[/color] That sobered Sana's laughter rather quickly. Righting herself she looked at Thomas and sighed. She knew what Kyra was saying, you didn't go airing the details of whatever this was with people sitting around you didn't know. They all hardly knew each other other than Sana and Kyra. Sana knew Keystone but they were still in the getting to know you portion of life. sure they had shared a fight or two together with the rest over the last week but that hardly made them bosom buddies. [color=82ca9d]"Kyra, it'll be okay..."[/color] Sana said as she reached over to her old friend. [color=a187be]"You don't know that. We are in the middle of a tavern, god only knows who is who at these other tables, much less at this one but no one seems to take notice of that. How the fuck any of these people have stayed alive this long is beyond me."[/color] [color=82ca9d]"Kyra, calm down. Come on, eat, have a drink, it's been a long trip. You need to get some rest, probably more than the rest of us. When was the last time you slept?"[/color] Sana asked, trying to get Kyra to at least sit down. Kyra's face looking like she was about to gut someone. [color=a187be]"Fuck that, we'll talk later. I'm going to check on some things. We will talk later. Alone."[/color] With that Kyra grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder before storming out of the tavern. Sana let out a long huff as she blew the hair out of her face. [color=82ca9d]"Shit...."[/color] Sana muttered under her breath. Resting her elbow on the table she tried to get things back on track. That was after she said one thing. [color=82ca9d]"She might be a bitch but she is right."[/color] She eyed both Keystone and Thomas. Thomas had spouted off details, Keystone had brought up the subject in passing. She knew Kyra was taking this a lot harder than she normally would but that was because of how bad Sana's condition had been over the last few days. They grew up together, they might as well be family. Sana could only guess she would be acting the same was as Kyra if the situation had been reversed. [color=82ca9d]"The guys name was Cremwise, other than that I won't be saying anything else."[/color] Standing up, she grabbed her things, a bit shaky on her feet but she managed. [color=82ca9d]"I'll be upstairs."[/color] Giving a bit of a nod and squeezing Keystones shoulder a little before she walked off towards the stairs at the back of the main room and then headed up them slowly. She just hoped Kyra didn't take matters into her own hands. Kyra was a damn fine leader usually, thing was she tended to put herself into danger because she didn't trust people. It had taken Sana years to gain Kyra's trust.