[quote=@Antarctic Termite] If it's any consolation, it's still a very nice post. These things get easier to handle over time. I lost my very first character sheet in my very first roleplay the same way, so we're all with you in the rage boat. There are browser apps that back up what you type into text boxes, though, to buffer against this kind of bullshit. I use one called Lazarus, which is a touch old but still works fine.[/quote] Thanks, I might look into that. This is far from the first time I've lost significant progress on a post. Actually, probably 10% of my posts probably have at least a few paragraphs deleted but I usually just rewrite said parts and it turns out better the second time. This time I was just pissed because I was really rushing to finihs the post and (in my eyes at least) it didn't come out better the second time :/ [quote] Exhibit A: The angle grinder. [/quote] :what Is all this talk of angle grinders some sort of inside joke that I wasn't privy to? [quote=@BBeast] P.P.S. The Primordial Spark is bloody terrifying. I now have another reason for Teknall to [s]continue[/s] start his secret construction project. [/quote] I think I've already won the nuclear arms race, Bbeast. The King's Law is my Fat Man and the Primordial Spark is my Tsar Bomba. It's too late for you to beat me! The end is ienvitable!