[Center][h2][color=teal]Mora Kingsly[/color][/h2] Wall Maria, Shiganshina District Interacting with: [@Jinxer] ---[/center] Mora had forgotten that Lauren's mother was in the military. The sight of her bloodied and battle weary sent another cold shock a realization into her core. This was probably the last time Lauren would ever get to see her mother. She turned her head as the two shared a solemn moment between each other while her mind danced around the thoughts of her own parents. 'What if?' the words kept bubbling to the surface no matter how many times she tried to squash them down with the reassurance Cain had given her. [B]"Ra, help me with him."[/b] Lauren's voice snapped her back and she rushed over to help heft the girls father off the ground. Cain moved around them nervously, keeping an eye out for the danger that loomed around them. They shuffled through the alleyways, the cries and sounds of death bounced off every rock. Mora did her best to grit her teeth and push past it. They couldn't save everyone. Not like this at least. That was until something caught the old man's attention. [B]"Over there."[/b] He grunted, nodding towards a crushed shell of a house where a small child, barely a toddler, was struggling to free themselves from some of the wreckage. Further down the street a few Titans were searching through houses, far enough away that they hadn't noticed the small group or the child yet. A rock dropped in the pit of her stomach but Lauren pressed on, forcing her to keep up the pace and leaving the tot behind. [Color=teal]"Cain."[/color] she whispered, Mora's voice trembled with fear as she nodded to the child. She couldn't just walk away and his arms were free. He looked at the child and then back towards the titans. It was a risk. One wrong sound and they'd spot the whole group but his sisters words rang in his head from earlier, [i]"If you can't even stand up to bullies, then what good are you?"[/i] The statement had stung his pride. The Kingsly men were anything but cowards but more importantly; they were not without compassion. Breaking away his picked his way through the rubble. [B]"Hush. Shh, it's going to be ok. Just just got to calm down."[/b] he spoke in low hushed tones as he tried to quell the boys loud wailing. He'd need to move some of the debris that had blocked the toddler inside. Cain silently thanked God for his upbringing as his arms held the strength to quickly move the larger stones. The toddlers wail had lessened to whimpering as he watched Cain clear the path. Mora, too, watched her brother intently as they strode further and further away. It was a sudden flood of relief that filled her as he suddenly rose up with the boy tucked safely to his side. His face glowing with pride as he started towards them but Mora's face soon crumpled with fear. Behind him a hand began its descent, the disproportionate body of a Titan sat squat with it's eyes trained on her brother. Cain noticed the look to horror that filled his sisters face and chanced a look behind him. There was no escape. The fingers shadow cascaded over him as he let out a fear filled cry. [Color=teal]"Cain!"[/color] She screamed, shrugging off the body of Laurens father as she ran to save her brother. Though no matter how quick she was; there was just no time. Cain had thrown the toddler towards his sister as the fingers plucked him into the air. Mora froze in abject horror as the newly sobbing toddler scrambled to his feet and ran to cling to her legs. [B]"Get to the boats!"[/b] Cain screamed, tears falling down his cheeks as he pounded his fists against his captor. [Color=teal]"Cain..."[/color] she managed to squeak out as a lump of emotions caught in her throat. Mora scooped up the boy and began to stumbled backwards as she watched her brother struggle against the titans grip. Her face paled as she watched it open its gaping maw and drop his body inside. She didn't want to watch it. She wanted to close her eyes and shut everything out. Mora tried to turn, turn away from the scene and flee but even as her body moved she could still hear it. Hear the crunch of Cain's bones as they snapped inside the monsters jaws. His screaming drowning in her ears as his death cry finally melted into silence. Inside, she could feel herself go numb. Her heart wanted to break. It wanted to scream and cry but no tears came. She didn't even notice the trembling of the tiny body pressed against her. Instead she ran. Mora ran back to Lauren and her father. She slipped the tot to one hip and wrapped her free arm around the old man's body and moved them forward with a newfound strength. Lips set in a grim determination. Luckily they weren't too far away from the rescue boats as Mora picked up the pace. There was a good chance the titan would come after them once it was done with Cain. There was no way it didn't take notice of her.