[@tex] Okay okay, let's see For one it seems a bit too much to give him access too all 6 magic types, especially when it's been established that having too many runes can lead to a risk of amalgamation. You'd have to restrain him to the most basic of abilities with the bow or lower the number of runes it uses. Summoning it out of nowhere is out of the question. My suggestion would be to give him a light brand and have the bow be a product of his powers, but that would lose the runes engraved on it. The talking cat might have to go. While animals are capable of magic, they'd require a storm rune to allow speech, since with storm comes with the ability to manipulate sound. [@Jensoman] That works. His clothes seem a bit modern day for the early 1900s time period Kokotha is in, but it gives me an idea of what he looks like [@Jensoman][@tex] Overall, my main complaint with both of these is, and don't take this the wrong way, but they seem a bit silly for the world? The world of Kokotha isn't dark and serious but it is grounded in reality to an extent. Not really a criticism per say, more of an observation and to give you a tip to try and not go overboard with the silliness