[hider=Mikey Kelthas][center][u]~Appearance~[/u] Mikey is relatively well built, considering his roots as a fisherman. Although he's lost some of his muscle mass, considering how long he's spent away from the hard-knock life of the sea, he's still very fit, despite his unimposing height of 5'9''. Mikey usually changes up his clothing from day to day, like any normal person, but prefers an assortment of cargo pants, because, well, [b]pockets.[/b] His shirts vary from dirty cotton, to dirtier linen, littered with tears and poor patchwork. He has a single water-proof trench coat for travel, for the sole reason of, again, [b]pockets.[/b] He really likes pockets, and often sews them onto all of his clothes, assuming that they're not already littered with [b]pockets.[/b] [b]Pockets are USEFUL![/b] He wears very ragged black shoes, that have been patched and cobbled more times than he can imagine. They were a gift from his father, and he refuses to throw them out, dedicating a fair amount of his funds to local cobblers so that they remain in tip-top condition at all times. Well, and tip-top as a pair of 10 year old work shoes can get, anyways. As far as his facial features go, nothing really stands out. He has loose, oily black hair that hangs just above his shoulders, occasionally cutting it short to keep it from intruding on his vision. His eyes are nearly Silver, and his jawline is rounded. Nothing special to look at, but he was never too obsessed with his appearance. [u]~Name~[/u] Michael Kelthas (Mikey) [u]~Age~[/u] 23 [u]~Brand~[/u] None [u]~Weapon~[/u] Four rings, infused with liquid runes. He wears two on each hand, as a reminder of his family's heritage. His grand hope is to one day gain mastery over their magical runes, and use them as his family had. [u]~Faction~[/u] Wanderer [u]~Personality~[/u] Mikey is boisterous, excitable, and curious about the mysteries of the world. He has a habit of speaking out of turn, but it well aware of his nature, trying his best to keep his excitement under control, albeit to very little success. Despite his above average intellect, and attention to detail, Mikey has had absolutely nothing to contribute to the recent economical/technological boom, and has no plans to further himself in the studies of science and technology. Instead, he focuses on the aspects of Yim, Liquid in particular, and how far into the realm he can dive. Mikey spends his time in a studious environment, furthering his own knowledge on his own. Unlike most who study Yim, Mikey does not have a Brand, and has made it his goal to artificially imprint himself with Liquid Yim, despite the risks that go along with it. This makes him an absent minded at times, but only when he's at home, rummaging through his notes, which is, surprisingly, not all that often. Around others, Mikey is social, polite, and not very judgemental. Despite all of that, he is constantly keeping track of as many fine details as he can about those he comes across. It's how he chooses who he can trust, and who he should distance himself from. It's rather difficult to tell, since he keeps him intentions and motivations a closely guarded secret. [u]~Background~[/u] Mikey grew up in the Golden archipelago of Kokotha with his family, humble fishers who made their living... Well, fishing! Fishing using family relics known as 'Dive rings' that allowed them to scoop large globs of water from the ocean depths. It made their practice as casters relatively simply, and they were unwilling to share the secrets of their family heirlooms. Despite that, nothing of interest took place over the ocean's surface, nothing Mikey was privy to, anyways. Unlike his family, he had not developed a Brand, and could not be allowed out to the deepest regions of the ocean. It was at a very young age that he had decided that the fisher's life was not for him. Using his vast intellect, knowledge of the sea, and understanding of his family's Diver rings, he set out of his own at the age of 19 to find his meaning in life, with four dive rings in tow, and several books on the study of Liquid Yim. Over the years, Mikey learned the intricacies of his family's magic through their notes. Even more, he began theorising the potentials of liquid Yim, despite his own inability to use magic. Despite all of his efforts, he was never able to sprout his brand. The lack thereof only made Mikey more determined to uncover the secrets of Yim though, prompting him to further his studies into the realm of magic with only the knowledge he could find in any texts at his disposal. Mikey now lives on his own, scavenging the money he needs to continue his research through odd-jobs wherever he can. His goal is to brand himself through artificial means, unlocking the limitations of magic so that he can share it with the entire world. Even if that meant searching out an amalgamate, and stealing its power for his own use. [b]~Other~[/b] Mikey uses a unique form of martial arts that he created himself. He calls it 'dance-fighting' and it's pretty damn effective at keeping people from [i]hitting him.[/i] It also takes into account the plausibility of enhancing his movements with water, assuming he ever gains the ability to do so. Mikey's favourite food is fish. [/center][/hider]