[color=00a99d]Brandon's Answers[/color] [hider=Character Quiz] 1. What are your names? [color=00a99d]Brandon, B, Bran[/color] 2. Do you know why you were named that? [color=00a99d]I always used to be called Bran or Brandon, but when I met Amelia, I told her to just call me B because it was easier.[/color] 3. What are you? [color=00a99d]Human?[/color] 4. What's your gender? [color=00a99d]Male[/color] 5. How old are you? [color=00a99d]18[/color] 6. What do you think your life expectancy is? [color=00a99d]Mid to late 70s. Healthy family history, but a low-activity lifestyle[/color] 7. What's your height? [color=00a99d]5' 11"[/color] 8. What's your eye color? [color=00a99d]Blue[/color] 9. How about hair color? [color=00a99d]Brown[/color] 10. Do you think you're attractive? [color=00a99d]Heck no[/color] 11. Do you have any features that you want to get rid of, if you could? [color=00a99d]Being chubby, needing glasses[/color] 12. How would you introduce yourself? If you are famous in your world, how would you introduce yourself to someone who had never heard of you? [color=00a99d]"Hey, I'm Brandon." Yeah, I'm not that interesting.[/color] 13. Have any abilities or powers? [color=00a99d]I'm smart. Almost got valedictorian.[/color] 14. Stop being a Mary-sue! [color=00a99d]Oh. Okay. S-sorry.[/color] 15. What do you usually wear? [color=00a99d]Polo shirt and jeans. Casual, but still somewhat dressy. Polos hide my belly better than T-shirts.[/color] 16. Do you ever walk around naked? [color=00a99d]Only while showering[/color] 17. Ever cross-dressed before? [color=00a99d]I plead the fifth.[/color] 18. What do you wear to bed? [color=00a99d]Boxers. A t-shirt and shorts if it's cold or if I'm not alone.[/color] 19. What's in your pockets right now? [color=00a99d]My wallet and phone.[/color] 20. To what social class do you belong? [color=00a99d]Low-income[/color] 21. What is your job? [color=00a99d]No job. Between high school and college. Plan to be an engineer.[/color] 22. What is your lifelong dream? [color=00a99d]To design a famous building[/color] 23. What is your worst nightmare? [color=00a99d]Pretty much the situation I'm in. Has no one seen haunted movies?[/color] 24. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)? [color=00a99d]If asked, I'll usually say the truth, but I don't offer information needlessly. [/color] 25. What's one thing you like and one thing you dislike about your personality? [color=00a99d]I'm a nice guy once you get to know me, but I'm very awkward socially, especially around girls[/color] 26. What do you do on a regular basis? [color=00a99d]Male[/color] 27. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? [color=00a99d]Video games[/color] 28. That's cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don't like. [color=00a99d]Exercise[/color] 29. What are you most afraid of? [color=00a99d]Being hurt, both physically and emotionally[/color] 30. Have any secrets? [color=00a99d]That's a secret.[/color] 31. Name your worst habits? [color=00a99d]Nail-biting[/color] 32. Any nasty indulgences, like smoking or gambling? [color=00a99d]Nothing illegal...[/color] 33. Have any of you ever done illegal things knowingly (don't include petty things like jaywalking)? What were they? [color=00a99d]I don't do illegal things.[/color] 34. Are you one to hold a grudge? [color=00a99d]I can't remember long enough to hold grudges.[/color] 35. What do you do when you're upset? [color=00a99d]Throw things, punch pillows. Poor pillows.[/color] 36. What's one thing that could potentially cause you to go into a blind rage? [color=00a99d]Someone else being unnecessarily hateful.[/color] 37. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it? [color=00a99d]Normally I would have a long list of illegal things here. I'm probably not going to do anything actually dangerous, but I was told to keep an open mind.[/color] 38. What's your preferred weapon of choice? [color=00a99d]Katanas are cool. [/color] 39. What is your favorite colour? [color=00a99d]00a99d[/color] 40. Favorite drink? [color=00a99d]Diet Sunkist. Yeah, it's weird, but it's less sugary than normal Sunkist, and it tastes good with just about anything.[/color] 41. Alright. What's your favorite food? [color=00a99d]Pasta. Specifically Chicken Alfredo. I could live off that.[/color] 42. What are your thoughts on pie? [color=00a99d]3.1415926535... I mean, it's ok. I prefer cake, and if I have to have pie, I like pumpkin or chocolate the best.[/color] 43. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? [color=00a99d]Cookies and Cream[/color] 44. Where are you from? [color=00a99d]My parents were from upstate New York. Moved here when I was ten.[/color] 45. What's your favorite place? [color=00a99d]My bedroom. It's a private sanctuary.[/color] 46. What's your least favorite place? [color=00a99d]Detention[/color] 47. Where do you wish you could be right now, regardless of whether it's real or not? [color=00a99d]Eorzea[/color] 48. What is the first thing you tend to notice when you first meet someone? [color=00a99d]Their face. Not anything specifically, just their face in general. Then I normally notice how tall they are, hair color, other specifics. I usually don't notice anything below chest height.[/color] 49. What is your favorite season? [color=00a99d]Summer, hands down[/color] 50. Do you believe in love at first sight? [color=00a99d]I don't believe in love at first sight being a good indicator of compatibility.[/color] 51. Gay, straight, or bi? [color=00a99d]-shrug- I know I like girls.[/color] 52. Are you interested in anyone? [color=00a99d]HA.[/color] 53. What do you look for in a partner? [color=00a99d]Someone who likes to talk. Preferably someone who likes me back as well.[/color] 54. What's your idea of a perfect date? [color=00a99d]I hadn't really thought about it. Dates aren't really my thing. Maybe dinner, a movie, and a nice conversation?[/color] 55. Are you single or taken? [color=00a99d]Forever alone[/color] 56. Are you a virgin? [color=00a99d]...[/color] 57. Have you ever kissed anyone? If so, who was your first? Who was your last? [color=00a99d]-sigh-[/color] 58. What is your favorite thing to touch? [color=00a99d]I have a stress ball that... Oh crap, I forgot to pack it![/color] 59. Ever wanna marry and have kids one day? [color=00a99d]Pipe dreams are nice.[/color] 60. Have any family members? [color=00a99d]Two parents, one brother, two sisters[/color] 61. Oh? How about pets? [color=00a99d]My brother is allergic to pretty much everything, so no pets. Fish don't count. I hate fish. [/color] 62. How many friends do you have? [color=00a99d]Depends on your definition of friend. Pick a number between a hundred and zero.[/color] 63. If the one you cared most about in your life were to somehow die today, how would you react and what would you do? [color=00a99d]I'm not even sure who that would be. I care about the people who I call friends, but none of them are "the one." I'd probably cry though. [/color] 64. Do you look up to anyone at all? [color=00a99d]Not really. I used to. Not anymore.[/color] 65. Do you hate anyone? [color=00a99d]See answer to 64.[/color] 66. Who is your worst enemy? [color=00a99d]I try not to make enemies.[/color] 67. Have you ever hurt anyone in anyway before? [color=00a99d]Physically? Not badly. I once fended off a bully. Got in big trouble for that.[/color] 68. Ever... killed anyone before? [color=00a99d]First of all, if I had, I would not admit to it in writing. Second of all, no, I'm not a killer.[/color] 69. Under what circumstances do you think killing someone justified, in general? [color=00a99d]Self-defense, or the defense of someone who cannot defend themselves.[/color] 70. Are you wanted for anything? [color=00a99d]Oh sure, I'm the baddest in the land. [/color] 71. Uh... if you were to get in a fight with a strong wrestler, do you think you'd win? [color=00a99d]If I got into a fight with a weak goldfish, I would lose. [/color] 72. What's one of your fondest childhood memories? [color=00a99d]Sitting on my grandfather's lap, listening to a story while everyone else was in a different room. He used to take time to spend with just me. He was the only one who ever did.[/color] 73. If you could go back and change one thing about the past, would you? What would you change? [color=00a99d]I would probably change just about everything.[/color] 74. What kind of animal are you most like? [color=00a99d]Dog. Loyal to a fault.[/color] 75. Do/did you go to school? [color=00a99d]Salutatorian![/color] 76. Do you have fangirls/fanboys? [color=00a99d]HA.[/color] 77. If you're a girl, what's your cup size? If you're a guy, how big are you? [color=00a99d]Um, I'm a 40" waist.[/color] 78. What's one phrase you overuse? [color=00a99d]Um?[/color] 79. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? [color=00a99d]Lake. Oceans can be cold, and salt gets in your eyes.[/color] 80. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? [color=00a99d]No... but I probably would in the right conditions[/color] 81. How long can you stay under water? [color=00a99d]Not long. Barely a minute[/color] 82. Any fetishes? [color=00a99d]Get to know me a bit better first. o///o [/color] 83. Seme or uke? [color=00a99d]Uhhh... I'm gonna just let this one slide.[/color] 84. Which do you like more, sad stories or happy stories? [color=00a99d]Happy. I prefer fantasy to reality.[/color] 85. Camping or indoors? [color=00a99d]I like both, actually, as long as there aren't many mosquitoes.[/color] 86. Do you like to sing or dance? [color=00a99d]Singing, yes. Dancing... I'm not so good at that.[/color] 87. To what degree do you avoid risks and danger? [color=00a99d]I'm not willing to die.[/color] 88. What makes you vulnerable? [color=00a99d]My existence... [/color] 89. Under what circumstance would you risk your own life for someone else? [color=00a99d]If someone is in danger, I'll ignore my own safety, but I'll do my best to not get hurt in the process.[/color] 90. How would you describe your current adventuring companions to a friend you trust? [color=00a99d]A group of people who took me in when no one else would. [/color] 91. What do you do to relax? [color=00a99d]Any of the things I enjoy. [/color] 92. What's the best piece of advice you've ever had? [color=00a99d]No one is superior. People are just good at different things. [/color] 93. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at. [color=00a99d]I am very good at math, critical thinking, and writing. I am bad at socializing, small talk, and sports.[/color] 94. If you could choose, how would you want to die? [color=00a99d]As painlessly as possible.[/color] 95. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. [color=00a99d]Eat a good meal, spend time with my friends, and hopefully have my first real kiss.[/color] 96. What's one word that best describes you? [color=00a99d]Nerd[/color] 97. What would you do if you could meet your creator? [color=00a99d]Well, that means I'd be dead, so... Reminisce? [/color] 98. What are your impressions about the other interviewees? [color=00a99d]They're the people I call friends, although sometimes I wonder if they see me the same way.[/color] 99. Do you even want to be here? [color=00a99d]Not really, to be honest. But at the same time, I'm a little excited. Mostly nervous. REALLY nervous. But a little excited.[/color] 100. What do you spend most of your time doing? [color=00a99d]Trying to not think too much.[/color] [/hider]