Lux couldn't help but feel a satisfied smile creep onto her lips when the girl introduced herself as Britney Williams. So her intuition was right, as usual. "Britney Williams. I like that. It's simple, yet charming. I must say, Williams isn't a name that would stand out as a terramancer. I bet that there is some other [i]dirt[/i] in your [i]roots[/i] that has a better known history of terramancers." She winked. "Oh and of course I can help you out. I am absolutely starving myself." She turned to the boy that Britney was helping and oil his bag from him and slipped it onto the bar of her roller case and scooted it back to him to carry. "Here. This will make it easier for you to maneuver." Like hell was she going to carry an extra bag. Instead, she chose the clever route of making it easy for the boy, and taking a little bit of weight from her load. "Now do us all a favor and haul ass, honey." She ordered in a sweet, yet authoritative tone. She then turned to Britney with her friendly little smile again. "Miss Britney-Can I call you Brit-I have a feeling that we will be very good friends." She declared and began to walk. [@mr Allen j] [@afro samurai]