[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4hEyEbB.png[/img] [@HylianRose][@JBRam2002][@mskennedy615][/center] Amelia followed Elizabeth, twirling her umbrella as they walked. They didn't get very far as Elizabeth stopped to say hello and give Brandon and Jocelyn hugs, smiling in an amused manner as she apologized for forgetting why she hadn't hugged her to begin with. Brandon didn't seem to care but Jocelyn got all tense, amusing her a bit more, though she perfectly understood that reaction. She remained silent as she watched Elizabeth talk to the others, waiting patiently for them to get to the showers so she could feel clean again. As she waited, she would look around at the garden, finding places that would make for excellent landscape material, be it as a sketch or as a painting. There would definitely be plenty of subject material within and around the mansion for her to make sure of.