Not a GM, but can I ask, why does everyone apparently like Aquarius? It seems weird to have a character who is universally respected by basically every major race. What has he done that makes Mirkwood like him, an outsider, enough to pay him to go with their representatives to address a major international crisis? He like to seclude himself, he does bizarre, childish things like literally running off when the subject of his past is brought up, he dabbles in magic (which many non-elves greatly distrust), he is disliked by horses, he is apparently vain and succumbs to flattery easily, and and he has a short temper—these are all things that seem to make him very untrustworthy and unlikely to have a huge network of friends and allies across Middle Earth, right? Like, look at Gandalf. He spent more years than this guy possibly could've just wandering Middle Earth, offering sincerely helpful advice, turning the tides during periods of war, and even then by the time of the War of the Ring many considered him a cheap conjuror and/or a meddler.