[@Shiny Keldeo] Alright, I finished up. I'm gonna store these two here for now and wait for the OOC but if you want to go ahead and tell me if anything needs changing that's cool. [hider=Beryl the Meowstic] [center][color=7ea7d8][h3]"E-eh? Are you...talking to me? W-well uhm, hello. I have nothing to speak to you about, so leave if you would."[/h3][/color] [img]http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/711/544/7ba.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Beryl [b]Species[/b]: Meowstic [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Ability[/b]: Competitive: Sp. Attack up twice for every stat lowered. [b]Moveset[/b]: [list][*]Extrasensory [*] Shadowball [*] Psyshock [*] Barrier [/list] [b]History[/b]: Beryl's history isn't all that exciting as some others might be. She was raised on the Mist Continent, in a pleasant little village not far from Noe Town. Truthfully speaking, she never really wanted to become an explorer, part of a rescue team, or whatever else one wanted to call it. In fact, she wanted to do something entirely different - help run her parents cafe and take over eventually. How did she become part of a guild? Well, it involved a friendly little Pawniard and her being lost in a creepy forest. The Pawniard - Tin, she said her name was - not only wasn't put off by her standoffish seeming tendencies, in fact the spiky pokemon was surprisingly friendly and oddly...cuddly. The Pawniard helped her find her way out of the forest after a small misadventure involving the two of them getting attacked by a rather irate Treavanant. Tin stuck around for awhile after that, though she didn't speak much about herself or where she came from, and the two became quick friends. After some time, Pawniard made the offer to Beryl to form a team, and with some hesitation she accepted. So after a bit more misadventures they finally found themselves in Valiant Village where they joined the Guild where they have been working for some time. Beryl even evolved! She still hasn't really managed to shake off her social anxiety, though unfortunately. [b]Personality[/b]: At first, Beryl would come off as a bit shy, and perhaps a bit standoffish. Its true - The Meowstic isn't the most friendliest of pokemon out there. She regards most others with cold passivity and doesn't particularly like speaking much, often wearing a bored or otherwise deadpan expression. Combined with the rather massive amount of confidence she seems to carry herself with, it means she doesn't exactly have many friends. She keeps her sentences and words short and to the point, often coming off as taciturn and cold. Unfortunately this is a but of a misunderstanding on her part. Truthfully, Beryl is absolutely [i]terrible[/i] at conversing with other pokemon which is why she keeps her words and sentences short and to the point. She is terrified of blundering something and while outwardly she might be calm and composed, but inside her heart is usually beating like a jackhammer to the point of being unable to even emote properly out of fear. At times, she often can be very self-conscious about her abilities and other pursuits as well. That said, Beryl is a very reliable partner in a battle, and will always have her partners back no matter the cost and is surprisingly intelligent about a number of subjects regarding history and other such scholarly pursuits. [b]Important Items[/b]: A small scarf Tin gave her when they met. She wears it wrapped around her tail, like a bow. [b]Notes[/b]: N/A [/hider] [hider=Tin the Pawniard] [center][color=ec008c][h3]"!! Hi friend! Eeee, I've never met you before! What's your name? I'm Tin! Oh oh, here, lemme give you a hug! E-eh! D-don't run! Why are you running!?"[/h3][/color] [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/088f/f/2011/050/0/c/pawniard_doodle_by_rongs1234-d39xpx0.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Tin [b]Species[/b]: Pawniard [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Ability[/b]: Defiant: Attack is raised by two stages if a stat is lowered. [b]Moveset[/b]: [list][*]Metal Claw [*]Assurance [*]Scary Face [*]Slash [/list] [b]History[/b]: Unlike Beryl, Tin's history is a tiny bit more in depth, and a bit more tragic. This isn't the Pawniard's first team, so to speak. She had a small team of friends when she was still a kid she hung out with on the Sand Continent. As kids, they often went around pretending to be heroes and otherwise doing what a bunch of kids with too much time on their hands doing. Often getting into fights, staying out past their bed times and go sticking their noses in places they shouldn't. Even the old ruins they were told never to go into. Needless to say, things went a bit wrong. Things went well at first - there weren't many strong pokemon living in the mystery dungeon, and with a little effort they could handle them well enough. They were pretty confident in their abilities and didn't see much to overly concern themselves with. About halfway in though, an earthquake shook the entire dungeon as a massive, iron pokemon attacked them - the biggest Steelix Tin had ever seen. During the ensuing escape to get away from the arguably larger pokemon, Tin and her friends got separated, and she hasn't seen them sense. With a little luck she managed to get out, but the others weren't. She bolted back to the village and told everyone what happened. A few search parties were sent, even with the help of experienced guild members but there was no luck to be had in trying to find them. They simply had, well, gone and most feared the worst, and Tin couldn't help but to feel partly responsible for it. It had been her idea to go in there after all just for curiosities sake. So one day she left, decided to get stronger so she could at least find that Steelix one day and beat it to a bloody pulp. For a time, the Pawniard traveled until she came across a lost Espurr who didn't entirely seem to know her way out of a forest. They've been adventuring since, but are far from the most experienced team out there. [b]Personality[/b]: If there would be one thing one would notice about Tin upon first meeting her, is the sheer amount of energy the Pawniard seems to radiate and have. The rambunctious little pokemon seems to have an almost endless supply of it and never seems to get tired. She can often be found running back and forth between various places in the city, and never seems to sit still for more than a few moments. She absolutely hates waiting on things to happen and can often get very impatient if she has to sit her butt down for more then a few seconds at a time. Most often her energy is spent both training and making friendly with other pokemon she runs across. Indeed, Tin would attempt to even befriend an angry Gyarados if she could. Unfortunately, because of her rather spiky nature her affections are not returned all that often. Tin is very reliable in battle, though at times tends to get in over her head because of her impatience and maybe seems to enjoy it a bit too much at times. Still, she has a strong sense of justice and absolutely would do anything to help her teammates. Under no circumstances however, do you want to see her angry. [b]Important Items[/b]: N/A [b]Notes[/b]: N/A [/hider]