[@MechonRaptor] That is true... Anyway I added Seer Corp to the roles section to hopefully change up some things. For everybody involved... If you want to retoactively change your character to be a Seer I'm game for it. Sure it's more work but I'm willing to help adjust things as best I can since I didn't really make it super clear in the beginning. SO if you wanted to be a Seer now's your chance. [@Mataus] So I mentioned a tiny bit about them in the Roles section, but a Seer is basically a teams spiritual support. But less in the biblical sense and more in the, "I can walk in the spirit world to see the souls of beasts that you in the physical world can't see. As well as see through the other to view special things like past events, the minds of monsters, and even bend reality a little bit to shift corruption out of our way." In a different bunch of words, they are basically the nerds of the group, spreading knowledge of The Other with the team and making sure that they don't go wandering into a supernatural hot spot without proper warning. They are are both super sensitive to The Other's influence, but also more adept at navigating it where as the other roles are mostly at it's mercy.