A quest for those sword shards would also be a good plot hook for the likes of Conata if she ever found herself in that end of the world. [quote=@Cyclone] :what Is all this talk of angle grinders some sort of inside joke that I wasn't privy to? [/quote] Not so much inside anymore. In the last Toun/Teknall/Jvan collab, Chiral Phi specifically mentioned that even if Zephyrion gets pissed at Jvan for making the entropites, she's tough enough that she could weather whatever 'angle grinder's he pulls on her. In the collab, I commented that mentioning the power tool in a turn of phrase seemed a bit anachronistic. It turned out it wasn't, really, because Teknall has a workshop full of power tools. Chiral Phi is a character that trolls me almost as much as she trolls Toun, basically.