[hider=Alexander Bertil][centre][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170518/10c10952ce95f229f58c5676d99d3096.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://images.hngn.com/data/images/full/110401/lbs8-png.png?w=650[/img][hr][color=dodgerblue][b]"I'm almost tempted not to run you through. Almost."[/b][/color][hr][/centre] [color=dodgerblue]Name:[/color] Prince Alexander Bertil, Duke of Värmland [color=dodgerblue]Age:[/color] 18 [color=dodgerblue]Parent:[/color] Zeus - King of the Gods [color=dodgerblue]Abilities:[/color] [indent][b]Stormbringer-[/b] Alex can call forward the power of the storm, making the weather a bit more to his liking; stormy and unpredictable. When the storm clouds have gathered, he can occasionally call down a lighting bolt but it's a bit of a rare event. Alex's powers don't particularly lie in his ability to control the weather.[/indent] [indent][b]Bolt -[/b] Why Alex is one of the more powerful individuals at the Academy is nothing to do with intelligence or powers, Alex is just really damn fast. His weapon of choice is the spear and his ability to use it is second to none. Part of it is natural, his reaction speed and maneuverability, but some of it is divine. If someone was to watch him, they would note that his recovery speed and his jabbing are breakneck fast which is not entirely human.[/indent] [indent][b]Commanding Presence -[/b] Alex knows who he is and he's not ashamed of it. His father's position often lends his words power with others choosing to look up to him. He makes a good leader but on the contrary, it also makes him look like a massive dick. His personality doesn't help that appearance, of course.[/indent] [color=dodgerblue]Personality:[/color] To put it simply, Alex is a dick. In his opinion, however, everyone is a dick and it's just the good parts of them that define them. That's what he likes to think anyways. Alex has never really known hardship, he was born to royalty on both sides and his life has never been particularly difficult. What should have occurred was an incredibly lax brat but surprisingly, he's very motivated. Part of that is to do with stubbornness and his refusal to let someone one up him. This makes him easy to manipulate but he's mostly self-aware of that fact. Another part of it is that he's conscious of the responsibilities on his shoulders. He knows that his life will always be somewhat busy trying to divide his attention between stately duties and Olympus. What doesn't present him very well is his confidence. He seems to lurch from one thing to the next with a smirk plastered to his face and an aura of smugness prevailing him. He'll flirt with about anything that has a pulse and he doesn't seem to care about the effects of his actions on the receiving end. For this reason, nearly everyone either loves him or hates him. He's a good leader and he'll help you if he sees you need help but he's also a cocky bastard. [color=dodgerblue]History:[/color] Given Zeus' track record, it was no surprise that sooner or later, one day, he would find himself in the room of some poor, unsuspecting princess. That princess just so happened to be Princess Sofia Bertil, third in line to the Swedish throne. During a rebellious phase, she had a whirlwind romance with what she thought was a foreign businessman. When it turned out to be Zeus, King of the Gods, well the damage was already done. Nine months later, Alex was born amongst a media uproar and a great deal of shame in the family. You see, Zeus had to retreat back to Olympus leaving a royal princess a single mother which didn't go down too well. Despite this, she was tactical about it and showed herself to be a strong and modern monarch which obviously upped her popularity. And so, young Alexander was dramatically ushered into the Swedish Royal Family. His early life was a jumble of top level education and the chaos of a young ADHD child growing up in a palace. He had all he ever wanted, all he ever needed and he was content for a very long time. Until he started growing up and things stopped making so much sense. His royal duties began around the age of twelve and although he was used to having to attend galas and shows but having to maintain an air of grace was a whole different beast. Taking some inspiration from his mother, he decided to rebrand his image into something more modern. It wasn't easy and it wasn't made easier when his mother decided to tell him who he really was and who his father was. The information came as a surprise but in the back of his head, it answered a lot of questions so he had no problem going along with it. Plus he loved his mother and he knew that she'd never lie to him. And so, he was sent off to the Olympus Academy at a younger age. He flourished there amongst his peers, he was strong and slightly intelligent plus puberty really improved a lot of things and crafted him to a bit of a heartthrob. Over the years, he began to learn who he was as a person and what role he served. He knew that he had a place in the duties of his family but he yearned to throw himself into the other half of his life. Every year he would look forward to returning to the Academy. Over the years, the Academy crafted him to not only an excellent warrior but a good leader. He fit in amongst the more popular members so that's where he stayed but he wasn't beyond dipping down and finding friends amongst the least popular. Throughout school, however, he found himself growing a harsh impatience for those who publicly opposed his father. Namely a nosey Athenian who had grown too big for her boots. [color=dodgerblue]Extra:[/color] - Has been at the Academy for over eight years. - Has a custom made spear that was a gift for his eighteenth. Touch it at your peril. - Bit of a manwhore. Like father like son. [/hider] And another one! Zeus needs a golden boy apparently! Plus someone has to charm Riddley!