[center][h1][color=sienna]Sepia Russet - Corridor, Approaching Gym[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=Datura][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e3/80/3c/e3803cdb6eebd49fc8e51e27c0e6b437.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Soot][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f9/92/b3/f992b3c29cf9e7236ae15663adc1ea71.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=sienna]"Wait, so why did you want to visit the gym?"[/color] As Sepia and her "parents" got closer to the location in question, her curiosity over Datura's request to go to such a hotspot for student activity increased. So far, the young woman had wanted absolutely nothing more than necessary to do with Beacon as a whole, much less any particular locations. The only response Sepia got was a flash of purple eyes and a sullen sigh. Well, it wasn't like she expected any different from her ever-testy...what, exactly? She'd told the student earlier that Datura was her adoptive mother, which was the simplest and most technically accurate answer. However, the true nature of their relationship had never been clear to begin with and was even more so currently. Sepia had always held a sort of distant admiration - and admittedly a tiny bit of a girl crush - for her older companion, but the other girl seemed to flip between viciously protective and deeply bitter at a moment's notice. Really, the only thing consistent about her behavior was the way she was practically glued to Soot every time they were together. To his credit, Soot never seemed to favor either of "his girls" over the other. Not that Sepia could feel the jealousy practically rolling off of Datura whenever Soot spoiled the coydog faunus or anything. Oh well, the ex-"free-fighter" probably deserved to be a little bit defensive over sources of genuine affection at this point. [i]"I can live with it. It's my fault she's like this."[/i] A strange sensation made Sepia stop walking suddenly, and it was only Soot's hand on Datura's shoulder that kept her from running into her daughter's back. [color=8493ca]"Do you feel something unusual?"[/color] Soot questioned, picking up on her reason for abruptly halting. It was difficult to put into exact words, but everything seemed to...echo, somehow. Whereas the general feelings and vague thoughts of those nearby had previously simply settled into a constant hum in the corners of her mind, they now seemed to split, one half behaving like normal while the other pulled to a single point in the distance. That point was bouncing them back at her occasionally, and the slight de-synch combined with the increased "volume" was threating to trigger a migraine. [color=sienna]"Ugh...I'm getting some kind of interference, if that makes any sense."[/color] She rubbed the slightly raised edge of what had to be her least favorite scar (not that she had many to choose from), one that while long, was hidden entirely under her hair most of the time due to its location on her scalp. "Head acting up?" His tone was so guilty, jeez it was just going to make things worse. [color=sienna]"Not yet. I hope whatever is causing this is temporary, though."[/color]