[hr][hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/0o398pa.png[/img] [color=b27976][b]Basil Lightbourne[/b][/color] [color=f7dfa8]Location:[/color] Grand Hotel Mohad, Avent City [color=f7dfa8]Interacting with:[/color] Sayuri [img]http://i.imgur.com/bvq5coh.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent]"What's the matter blueblood? Shouldn't one million be a chump change to you?" Basil raised an eyebrow as he turned to the voice. Who spoiled this girl's cereal this morning? His expression quickly turned to one of interest however, much like the face of a Beast Hunter encountering a rare species in the wild. Indeed, Draconians were a rarely seen kind in human society as they mostly kept to themselves. He momentarily lost his manners there as he gazed curiously at her pointed ears and then at her scaled forearm as she held out the VIP card. Basil realized she seemed wary. Perhaps he stared too much. "My apologies, it is not often I get to see your kind." "Please come to the right here madame, one of the guards will escort you up the elevator and over to the VIP zone," said the receptionist smiling. To the side, another receptionist gives the same directions to a man dressed in ethnic garb. Basil recalled such dress was similar to what he had seen of tribes who dwelled in the jungle. The Hunter Exam really attracted all sorts, he was treated to two rare sights already today. As much as those rare sights brought up his mood, his lack of a VIP card was vexing. After a moment of thought, he gave a bright smile to the receptionist. "So the 101st floor is off-limits to the general public right now. A shame, I just wanted to go up and get a view of the cityscape from there. I'll just have a room with a decent balcony view then. I'm only staying here for one night." While 1 million was well out of his price range, the few hundred dollars required to stay here was still doable. He supposed that he would find a way up once he was inside. [/indent][/indent] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/bvq5coh.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Hx3WvAR.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [indent][indent][color=c42037][b]101st Floor, Grand Hotel Mohad - 4:54 pm[/b][/color] There were three elevators that reached the 101st floor. Once one arrived, one would be greeted by guards who would perform a body search and remove any electronics and any items that could potentially used as a weapon with the promise that they would be returned when the first Phase of the Exam was over. Then a butler would come and attach a numbered badge to one's back. The examinee was not allowed to remove it, doing so would disqualify them immediately. Finally, the butler would direct them through a door to the main site with the instructions that they were not allowed to leave, but they were free to do as they pleased within until the Exam officially starts. As of the moment, there were 193 examinees who had already arrived at the Exam site. These people could already be considered the cream of the crop. They came from all backgrounds and nationalities, but in one way or another had demonstrated an outstanding performance to have reached the Exam proper. At the end of the pre-exam tests, what awaited examinees up top of the 101st floor was a massive four-layered restaurant that allowed diners on multiple levels a view of the performances on the stage at the front of the restaurant. Each upper level of the restaurant was smaller than the level below it. Of course, not all tables on the higher levels had a view of the stage, some were positioned farther in on that level. All tables of the restaurant were the same size, and circular with five chairs positioned at each. Waiters were stationed all around the restaurants whom examinees could order extravagant food and wine from completely free of charge. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/bvq5coh.png[/img][/center] "Look at these idiots. Some of them act like they've already passed." [url=https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=62711351]A very tall and very pale woman[/url] sat at the edge of the bar at one end of the restaurant, watching the examinees. Few would call her beautiful, but certainly quite striking. Unlike the others partaking in the food and drink, she did not have a badge on her back indicating her place in arriving here. The [url=http://i.imgur.com/5ShpENm.jpg]head bartender[/url] finished serving a cocktail to an examinee before turning to the woman. "What's more disappointing are those who are not enjoying fine wine with company," said the bartender rather softly. He looked around. Most of the aspiring Hunters-to-be kept nervously to themselves and the restaurant was abnormally quiet for the number of people within. "My heart grows heavy at the waste, many of them even have had a whole day to find worthwhile friends." [/indent][/indent] [hr][hr]