[hider=Alex's Answers] 1. What are your names? [color=cyan]My full name is Alexander Franklin Hill, but you'd better call me Alex.[/color] 2. Do you know why you were named that? [color=cyan]My parents wanted all of their children to have a name that's unique to the extended family as a whole. My middle name is the same as my dad's though. I like being called Alex though cause it's shorter.[/color] 3. What are you? [color=cyan]That is a really stupid question. If you asked what my spirit animal was then the answer would be a polar bear hamster that wears a banana costume. Not what you expected huh.[/color] 4. What's your gender? [color=cyan]Seems you have Professor Oak syndrome.[/color] 5. How old are you? [color=cyan]19.[/color] 6. What do you think your life expectancy is? [color=cyan]What kinda question is that? I guess normal human life expediencies.[/color] 7. What's your height? [color=cyan]5'11".[/color] 8. What's your eye color? [color=cyan]Blue but in some lighting it looks green.[/color] 9. How about hair color? [color=cyan]Dirty blonde.[/color] 10. Do you think you're attractive? [color=cyan][i]*Shrugs shoulders*[/i][/color] 11. Do you have any features that you want to get rid of, if you could? [color=cyan]I guess any and all acne.[/color] 12. How would you introduce yourself? If you are famous in your world, how would you introduce yourself to someone who had never heard of you? [color=cyan]Name's Alex. Then I would just wave to them.[/color] 13. Have any abilities or powers? [color=cyan]I'm a human. We don't live in a fantasy world.[/color] 14. Stop being a Mary-sue! [color=cyan]That term is so overused and often times misused entirely that I don't even regard it.[/color] 15. What do you usually wear? [color=cyan]T-shirt and shorts. Oh, and tennis shoes.[/color] 16. Do you ever walk around naked? [color=cyan]Only if no one is home and I'm getting ready to shower.[/color] 17. Ever cross-dressed before? [color=cyan]No, that's weird.[/color] 18. What do you wear to bed? [color=cyan]If it's clean then whatever I was wearing during the day.[/color] 19. What's in your pockets right now? [color=cyan]Nutin.[/color] 20. To what social class do you belong? [color=cyan]I duhno.[/color] 21. What is your job? [color=cyan][i]*smirks*[/i] A sarcastic troll.[/color] 22. What is your lifelong dream? [color=cyan]To have a family of my own.[/color] 23. What is your worst nightmare? [color=cyan]Being alone.[/color] 24. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)? [color=cyan]Honestly, it depends on who it is and how I'm feeling at the time.[/color] 25. What's one thing you like and one thing you dislike about your personality? [color=cyan]I like that I am loyal, but I dislike the level of competitiveness I have.[/color] 26. What do you do on a regular basis? [color=cyan]Whatever I feel like at the time.[/color] 27. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? [color=cyan]Umm, acting, gaming, baseball, reading. Just whatever I feel like doing really."[/color] 28. That's cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don't like. [color=cyan]These questions. I just don't like talking about myself.[/color] 29. What are you most afraid of? [color=cyan]Being forgotten.[/color] 30. Have any secrets? [color=cyan]If I did why do you think I'd tell you?[/color] 31. Name your worst habits? [color=cyan]Over-analyzing people.[/color] 32. Any nasty indulgences, like smoking or gambling? [color=cyan]Does over-procrastination?[/color] 33. Have any of you ever done illegal things knowingly (don't include petty things like jaywalking)? What were they? [color=cyan]Nah.[/color] 34. Are you one to hold a grudge? [color=cyan]Unintentionally yes.[/color] 35. What do you do when you're upset? [color=cyan]Nothing. I don't really change what I do based on my emotions.[/color] 36. What's one thing that could potentially cause you to go into a blind rage? [color=cyan]Someone hurting a person close to me or make them cry.[/color] 37. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it? [color=cyan]Anything illegal. Well, if it's the only way to help someone in danger. I'll just change my answer to drinking, drugs, and smoking.[/color] 38. What's your preferred weapon of choice? [color=cyan]It all depends on the situation.[/color] 39. What is your favorite color? [color=cyan]Either blue or red.[/color] 40. Favorite drink? [color=cyan]It's a tie between kool-aid and milk.[/color] 41. Alright. What's your favorite food? [color=cyan]Teriyaki Chicken with Noodles and soy sauce. Also throw in some white sauce.[/color] 42. What are your thoughts on pie? [color=cyan]Makes me think of the movie The Life of Pi.[/color] 43. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? [color=cyan]Chocolate.[/color] 44. Where are you from? [color=cyan]My mom and dad.[i]*Sly smirk*[/i][/color] 45. What's your favorite place? [color=cyan]Anywhere I can be without other people around to bother me with annoying questions.[/color] 46. What's your least favorite place? [color=cyan]Anywhere I am that I have to listen and then answer annoying questions.[/color] 47. Where do you wish you could be right now, regardless of whether it's real or not? [color=cyan]Japan. Since I wouldn't have to answer these annoying questions.[/color] 48. What is the first thing you tend to notice when you first meet someone? [color=cyan]I try to determine their personality as quick as possible, but I guess I notice their face first. Specifically their eyes.[/color] 49. What is your favorite season? [color=cyan]Winter.[/color] 50. Do you believe in love at first sight? [color=cyan]Nope.[/color] 51. Gay, straight, or bi? [color=cyan]Straight.[/color] 52. Are you interested in anyone? [color=cyan]Like I'd tell you.[/color] 53. What do you look for in a partner? [color=cyan]Someone I can be the real me around.[/color] 54. What's your idea of a perfect date? [color=cyan]Doesn't matter what we do. Just as long as I'm in the company of the person I went with.[/color] 55. Are you single or taken? [color=cyan]I'm am what the internet calls forever alone.[/color] 56. Are you a virgin? [color=cyan]Yup.[/color] 57. Have you ever kissed anyone? If so, who was your first? Who was your last? [color=cyan]Nope. Which means there isn't a first or last. Also I hope and wish that the first person will also be the last.[/color] 58. What is your favorite thing to touch? [color=cyan]This is a weird question.[/color] 59. Ever wanna marry and have kids one day? [color=cyan]Of course.[/color] 60. Have any family members? [color=cyan]A mother and a father. I have an older brother, an older sister, a twin sister, a younger adopted sister, and a younger brother. Also numerous extended family that I don't care to list.[/color] 61. Oh? How about pets? [color=cyan]Had two dogs but they both died a few years back.[/color] 62. How many friends do you have? [color=cyan]Seven if you don't count my siblings.[/color] 63. If the one you cared most about in your life were to somehow die today, how would you react and what would you do? [color=cyan]I honestly have no idea whatsoever what I would do. Who could know though?[/color] 64. Do you look up to anyone at all? [color=cyan]Ronnie. He's the only one taller than me in the group.[/color] 65. Do you hate anyone? [color=cyan]I've gotten tired of being angry all the time so I avoid letting myself get to the point of hating anyone. However, if anyone was at the point of me hating them it'd probably be Amelia's brother. Maybe Brandon's brother to.[/color] 66. Who is your worst enemy? [color=cyan]Myself.[/color] 67. Have you ever hurt anyone in anyway before? [color=cyan]Except for Amelia's brother then not intentionally.[/color] 68. Ever... killed anyone before? [color=cyan]I can own some noobs in video games, but no not in real life.[/color] 69. Under what circumstances do you think killing someone justified, in general? [color=cyan]I am a firm believer in capital punishment. If you willingly and intentionally murder someone I don't believe you have the right to be alive when they are dead. I also believe it is justified if you believe your own life or someone else's is in serious danger of being ended.[/color] 70. Are you wanted for anything? [color=cyan]I hope DePaul University wants me to attend their school.[/color] 71. Uh... if you were to get in a fight with a strong wrestler, do you think you'd win? [color=cyan]Depends on what you mean in terms of strength. Let's talk current wrestler's. I'd squash Roman Reigns but Braun Strowman could just sit on me and I'd be done. I wouldn't stand a chance against AJ Styles or Dolph Ziggler, but John Cena and I would never end because neither of us would ever give up. NO, OF COURSE I WOULDN'T WIN! ARE YOU CRAZY?[/color] 72. What's one of your fondest childhood memories? [color=cyan]Watching the stars with my siblings on our trampoline.[/color] 73. If you could go back and change one thing about the past, would you? What would you change? [color=cyan]If I were to go back and change anything would I even be here now? Would I have met my current group of friends? My 'journey' to where I am now is what made me ME. If I were to change that then I would be changing who I am. Now yes there are things about me I don't like, but if I wasn't me then who would I be?[/color] 74. What kind of animal are you most like? [color=cyan]Dog.[/color] 75. Do/did you go to school? [color=cyan]Obviously.[/color] 76. Do you have fangirls/fanboys? [color=cyan]It'd be cool to have fans one day. Means I did something right. It would just be weird to interact with them.[/color] 77. If you're a girl, what's your cup size? If you're a guy, how big are you? [color=cyan]No comment.[/color] 78. What's one phrase you overuse? [color=cyan]Shut up.[/color] 79. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? [color=cyan]A pool. Lake's can be overbearingly dirty, and the ocean is next to the beach and I don't like the beach.[/color] 80. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? [color=cyan]Nah. That's a little to weird for me.[/color] 81. How long can you stay under water? [color=cyan]I have no idea.[/color] 82. Any fetishes?[color=cyan]If I knew I wouldn't tell you.[/color] 83. Seme or uke? [color=cyan]No idea what this even means. Wait, let me look it up. [i]*searches internet*[/i] I should slap ya.[/color] 84. Which do you like more, sad stories or happy stories? [color=cyan]I don't know. I mean I like stories like A Series of Unfortunate Events, but I also like sappy love stories that aren't Hallmark movies.[/color] 85. Camping or indoors? [color=cyan]Indoors. I would go camping if it was with the right person.[/color] 86. Do you like to sing or dance? [color=cyan]I'll sing in karaoke, but pretty much no where else. As to dancing though look at the color of my skin. White boys are known for their inability to dance. Unless it's a line dance like Cotton Eye Joe or Cupid Shuffle or even the Wobble.[/color] 87. To what degree do you avoid risks and danger? [color=cyan]As long as it's not something stupid then I may do it.[/color] 88. What makes you vulnerable? [color=cyan]Umm, I guess my inability to understand my own emotions.[/color] 89. Under what circumstance would you risk your own life for someone else? [color=cyan]Nearly anything. Especially if they were my friend.[/color] 90. How would you describe your current adventuring companions to a friend you trust? [color=cyan]My current traveling companions are my friends.[/color] 91. What do you do to relax? [color=cyan]Sleep, listen to ASMR, or just sit in the pool or tub.[/color] 92. What's the best piece of advice you've ever had? [color=cyan]Don't let what others say to tear you down go through your ears.[/color] 93. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at. [color=cyan]I guess I'm good at sleeping, relaxing, and pissing people off. I'm bad at showing emotions, telling others how I feel, and exerting myself.[/color] 94. If you could choose, how would you want to die? [color=cyan]Honestly, I could care less. I'm not afraid of dying. As long as I will be remembered I don't care.[/color] 95. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. [color=cyan]As sad as this sounds I'd probably get my friends to think I was moving and tell my family I was moving out with a few friends. Then just go out to the sea or wilderness and die. Anything to avoid causing those I care about any emotional pain.[/color] 96. What's one word that best describes you? [color=cyan]Weird, I guess.[/color] 97. What would you do if you could meet your creator? TIME TO BREAK THE FOURTH WALL!!!!! [color=cyan]You mean alexfangtalon? Oh, I'd punch the jerk in the face for making me an easy target for embarrassment. He knows that Damar is gonna torture me, but he is giving WoF hints and tips in how to mess with me. Also, after punching him I'd ask him to write me at least a little more assertive.[/color] 98. What are your impressions about the other interviewees? [color=cyan]They're my friends. I love hanging with them.[/color] 99. Do you even want to be here? [color=cyan]Here answering annoying questions or here as in being with my friends. The first no. The second yes.[/color] 100. What do you spend most of your time doing? [color=cyan]Sleeping?[/color] [/hider]