Just a quick note; I'm planning on waiting until I have all six slots filled [i]before[/i] we proceed with the IC. Just wanted to make that clear since I added that into the OOC rules, but they were mixed in with the interest check rules, so they were easy to overlook before. As for the sister, [@duskshine749], you could just leave that open for now; maybe I can make her into an NPC, or you can come up with something for her later on. Also, I'm cool with the bus staying at the lodge, though since there will only be a total of six people, maybe it should just be a van instead! That way it could fit into the garage, though if you'd prefer a bus, it can be left outside the lodge. I'm going to sit and wait a bit before finalizing approval for anyone else this evening, just to give more time to finish up CSes for those who need to wrap them up; but at this rate, we will likely be starting IC officially sometime tomorrow. Thank you for your patience!