That twang in her voice threw him off. He was so used to the prim and elegant forced dialects of the upper nobility from his own home. It was nice to have a chat with one of the commonfolk. Register? Good thing she mentioned it, or he wouldn't have known he had to; now, he wasn't going to. Maybe it'd add some spice to his life, being a rogue caster wasn't the worst thing that could happen--although it was probably time to invest in, no, steal some gloves. "Must be a working lady, huh?" He was ignorant to the double entendre such a phrase may imply. He thought she was just playing up the whole 'I'm an innocent belle' trick. He'd never met an innocent belle and didn't believe they existed. If she did have a job, he wondered what it was. He'd bet if he asked her and she was hush about it, she'd have lied right to his face--and if not? Well, there goes his dream of having his very own partner in crime. [@Yomojo]