[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xjGbRyd.jpg[/img][/center][center][h1][color=f6989d] Alexis [/color][/h1][/center] Highly irritated at his dismissal of her she followed him and said nothing but brought the horse food and water. Just as she was about to say something to him her mother came out with her father. Her father entered the barn and she rushed past him as her mother called her name. At her mother's insistence she checked the household chores that the lady of the house was supposed to supervise. After doing this tedious chore she went to her room and pulled her gear on and she disappeared into the woods on her own. She wasn't going to be pushed into anything, she was going to blow off some steam. After speaking to Elias, Alexis' father went looking for his headstrong daughter and when he checked her room and saw that her weapons were all missing he became angry with her. Rushing back out into the house he yelled at the young men that worked on the landscaping and stable areas and they all set out to check every inch of their land. Alexis was fighting mostly nasty but less deadly creatures. The more intelligent of the evil creatures strayed much further from the Grimm homes. She knew without her partner, whomever that may be she shouldn't take any upper level baddies on her own. Maggie had done that and it was an exceptionally bad lowen that had gotten into her sights. By that time it was too late. Alexis was fighting a Manticore at that time and she had her hands full. She saw her sister fall and the memory relived in her psyche multiple times a day. She hurried home before bedtime so her father wouldn't have a stroke. He pulled her roughly into the library when she got back. She sat in the chair and listened to his irate yelling at her until he walked out of the room.