"What is it that you do?" He may as well come right out with it, he thought. She seemed comfortable around him enough that he could ask such a quasi-personal question. The best thing he could do right now is make an ally--[i]maybe[/i] a friend or two. Those always come in handy in the future, he figured. Besides, he'd probably need some money some day and thought he may as well amass a blacklist of people he could mooch a few bucks from. His interest returned to the conversation and away from his solipsistic wondering. Of the few remaining questions he had, one had to do with the kind of rune she got, though he thought the question trivial as 'what's your favorite movie' or anything in that vein of speed-date questionnaire format. His rapier snugged against his coat and he jiggled the large handle, his attention remained focused on Lucy while he fiddled. In the back of his mind he wondered if anything interesting would happen any time soon. [@Yomojo]