"Sounds good to me." He replied. This is the most he heard her talk all night. Gradually, his guard began to wane--maybe it was because he had started to consider her a real ally, maybe it was because the dull boredom of conversation was rising in the back of his mind. He couldn't stand the smell of coffee beans and tactless perfume bombarding his nose any longer, so he grabbed the train of his trenchcoat with a hand and rose from his seat. He fixed his coat, keeping sure that his Estoc and his Rapier were as hidden as possible in the trenchcoat. This was quite a foolish idea, the Rapier blade extended far past the length of the trenchcoat. No matter, it wasn't like anyone could take it off him by snatching the blade anyway--he'd have their head for it, literally. He adjusted the suspenders that held the sheaths to his dagger and his arming sword fully concealed from sight beneath the trenchcoat's insides. He had to be able to walk normal if he was going to be dancing all night. "Let's get out of here; I'll show you I'm a man of my word [i]and[/i] the finest Waltzer in town, love." Mazone smirked, devilish. [@Yomojo]