[u][b]Brother Joseph Hansen - The Ultra-Luxe Gourmand[/b][/u] Brother Joseph sat next to Martin and observed the assembled delegates around them. so far, things were going as expected...Lucius and the Van Graffs returned Martin's gesture, the Elder from the West was icily polite, but little else, and the bodyguard of the horrid teenager that the Cult had sent to represent them mocked them with a Brotherhood salute. While Joseph did not recognize him, he could well be a turncoat from the group that had followed Owyn Lyons East to old Washington, another failed bid by their Brethren to the West to find a technological means to deal with the NCR. For that matter, the Midwestern Order was born of the first failure....though likely they neither expected or wanted him to succeed. The Western Elders now called the Lord-Paladin a traitor and a madman, but he had shown them the path to the Brotherhood's salvation, if they had only had possessed the wit and courage to walk it before it slipped out of their reach. Rather than hide from the world and try to blunt mankind's struggle to rise from the ashes "for their own protection", Barnacky planted his standard and called upon them to take up arms and join with him to fight for a future fit for themselves and their descendants. Needless to say, a comparison of Omaha and Electric City (in the end they had been forced out of their bunkers) made it plain who had been right. One thing he hadn't expected, was the entrance of the "Vesyanian Confederation", from what he could immediately recall was a confederation of Tribes from Louisiana ruled over by the descendants of the dwellers of Vault 24. When their nubile and barely dressed delegate made her arrival known, at first he thought it was some sort of joke, but as her credentials were accepted by House's representative and she was seated, it was clear she was really here on their behalf. Another was a pair of conversations that had been initiated by the NCR President, who seemed to be going out of his way to be obnoxious. His attempt to intimidate the Enclave...who had sent a representative, much to Joseph's surprise...backfired spectacularly when the so-called Vice President skewered him over the NCR's embarrassing defeat at the hands of House and his robots, much to the amusement of the assembled delegates who weren't focused on Bequine's ample bosom. While Kimball's behavior boded ill for prospects of peace, it was his earlier conversation with, apparently the leader of the Children of Atom, Pontiff Cromwell, that had gotten his attention. "...One of my shepherds", Cromwell said, "spoke of one such peaceful mutant living near one of Atom's sites, whom even more strangely, she claims has since turned back into a man." Joseph had no idea how that would even be possible, but if a solution, even if merely a cure, to the Super Mutant plague, actually existed...it was his sworn duty to look into it. It humbled him that Barnaky's hunch regarding the Children may have been be uncannily correct...not that it would be first time events had proved him right when the Council doubted his decisions. He ceased his ruminations for the time being as House's representative, calling himself the King, called the meeting to order with a stern reminded that House would not tolerate misbehavior from the delegates. He then opened the floor to Lucius, who made what was essentially a thinly disguised appeal to Kimball to not re-open hostilities. Kimball's behavior so far gave little hope to Joseph that Lucius's appeal, though wise, would not fall on deaf ears. Next was Commander Fullman, one of the several representatives of mercenary companies invited who, in short, indicated that while he heartily despised the delegates assembled and who they represented, he was still prepared to fight their battles for them if paid enough. Tempted to point out that the same opinion could likely be coaxed out of the average harlot at the nearby Gomorrah, he demurred as they would probably have a use for mercenaries in the near future...especially if the persistent rumors that Paladin-commander Cranz was not only alive, but had betrayed them to the Cult were true. Next was President Kimball, whom Joseph noted had been checking his watch frequently for some time now. "Well that's a.... interesting little speech Mr Fulman,” Kimball said, “Good way to advertise your company but unfortunately you have wrongly assessed the NCR or what I plan on doing as president but you probably correct about what Foxy plans or had planned to do." Kimball chuckled a moment, then continued. "As the President of the NCR I have no intentions of playing some proxy cold war with the Legion and would be more than happy to resign and agree to an updated treaty of Goodsprings.... after a few... Border changes that is." One of Kimball's aides moved around the table handing out copies of a map. Looking over Martin's shoulder, he noted the NCR was making a claim on Northern Oregon, largely unclaimed by a regional power, though it was close to the territories of the Western Brotherhood, and Arizona in it's entirety. Lucius would never agree to such terms. "This is unacceptable!", exclaimed Brother Martin. "I cannot speak for Lucius Caesar, but I do speak for the Lord-Paladin, and I can tell you he is no more agreeable to the NCR attempting to solve their internal problems by embarking on military adventures against their neighbors now than he was five years ago!". He then added, "I beg of you to reconsider this rash course of action while you still can!" Kimball smirked as he lit a cigar, then continued. “I figured that suggestion would be rejected.... which is why I started the invasion of Arizona two hours ago.” The room immediately went silent as Kimball turned to one of the white glove waiters and asked “Would it be possible to have a TV or radio brought in?” “As we speak", Kimball continued, "the NCR 101st division storm troopers have broken though the legion lines, the 8th and 12th will follow them though and surround the legion forces as the 101th & 102th Marches on...Freeing and rally every slave they encounter they will turn an strike force into a small army...This time tomorrow that army will Marching on Phoenix!" At this time, Martin's aide slipped in and approached Martin, whispering in Martin's ear first, then his. "The Lord-Paladin directed me advise you", the aide whispered, "Our Ambassador in Santa Fe, as well as NCR State Radio, is reporting that the NCR forces began advancing East along I-10 and I-8 towards Phoenix about two hours ago. He wishes you to attend to him at the earliest possible moment." Lucius looked over at Commander Fullman. "You were saying?", he quipped sarcastically. He then rose and addressed the assembly. "What Legion lines, President Kimball?" Lucius asked in a tone of voice that sounded like he was speaking to a child, "I know you haven't broken the Legion's lines, because there's no such thing." He then added icily, "By all means, march your armies into Arizona. See how far you get." "But there's still a chance to turn away from this path, President Kimball," Lucius offered, "One last opportunity to save your soldiers lives, and those of your people. To spare them the experience of the utter horror of total war. Renew the treaty, keep the borders as they are. And my Legion will take no action against you. Otherwise continue down this path, and I will rain hell down on you. That is all I have to say." Martin looked at Joseph with a wry expression on his face. "It's out of our hands now, old friend", he said quietly. "Steel protect us all."