[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-jGrL7U09Y[/youtube] [/center] It was a calm, humid day on Hestia Prime. The sun shined high in the sky, above even the high reaching mountain ranges which surrounded the main Weyland-Yutani settlement on most sides. Towards the northern edge of the settlement a few vehicles were parked in a semi circle, mining equipment covered the ground as scattered workers milled around it. A group exited from a rail-cart to the east, a high speed railway system allowing fast travel to this part of the colony and back. A cave had been dug into the bottom of one of the mountains, workers moved in and out of it, some lugging equipment while others chatted amongst themselves. Some operated machinery inside of the cavern as they continued to dig into it in search of precious metals. Towards the very back of it an elevator had recently been constructed, the Weyland-Yutani logo painted in the center of the double doors. Ivan Navarro wiped the sweat from his brow with a weathered handkerchief which he tucked into the pocket of his jeans. He then let out a deep breath and strapped his hardhat on top of his head, checking once to insure the flashlight embedded on the front of it was functioning. He thought briefly of his wife Alicia, her beautiful black hair, those piercing green eyes which seemed to illuminate every room she stepped foot in. He wondered what she was up to, probably back at their apartment in the main settlement, readying their daughter Olivia for her first day of school. Ivan was glad Olivia ended up like her mother rather than him in the looks department, very glad of it. He smirked for a brief moment then walked into the cavern, his heavy work boots scrapping against the rock floor with each step. His foreman, Luke Anderson stared at him for a moment, nodding at Ivan before he went back more important matters, planning the next move for the miners working in this part of the colony. He respected Luke, the man seemed to be all business and getting the job done, but he wasn't a total dick about it. He'd seen the older man pickup a pickaxe and do some mining himself, that raised a few eyebrows amongst the miners. Most of them were used to just getting yelled at by the foreman, ordered around like slaves. Ivan was getting paid very well for this job, Weyland-Yutani gave him full benefits and even paid for his daughter's schooling. He approached the elevator in the back of the cavern, where a small group of a dozen other miners had assembled. Many carried handheld tools, one lugged a jackhammer in his arms while another clenched a portable mining laser, a high tech, expensive tool, but one that did the job damn well. "Nice to see you again Ivan. How's the wife and kid?" Another miner, George asked as he gently fist bumped Ivan, a smile on his face. "They're doing great. Olivia's first day of school is today, it's a small class but she's very excited." Ivan replied as he returned the fist bump, then the group slowly filled into the elevator. Ivan beside George as the closest miner to the door shut it and began their slow descent. They were going down two levels, they had been hard at work mining the first sub-level, today they would begin the second. Weyland=Yutani spared no expense when it came to anything on the world, there were two other sites they had been hard at work mining. On each one they provided the most expensive equipment, and ferried each worker on their fancy railways which spanned the entire colonized part of the world. "Ah that's awesome to hear. I imagine it isn't a very big class right now, though we're getting new people everyday so I'm sure it will be filled up by the end of the semester." George replied with another smile as the elevator reached the second sublevel. The dual doors came open and the mid sized cavern was in front of them, a few lights had already been set up. The group of miners piled out of the elevator, George and Ivan towards the back of the group. The workers all spread out, Ivan standing near the wall opposite of the elevator. He placed a hand on it, then tapped it lightly with his fist. The sound it made was strange to the experienced miner, almost like the wall was weaker for some reason. He motioned for George to come towards him, the instructed the man to tap on it like he did. "That's odd." George muttered, as Ivan nodded. Some of the other miners noticed the two men's strange expressions, one with a pickaxe tapped it lightly with the sharp end of the tool. Having made sure that his next action would not cause a total collapse, he then instructed the others to step back as he took a large swing at the wall. The axe stuck it hard, making a sizeable hole in the wall, large enough for a hand to fit through. George peeked into it but could see nothing but total darkness. "Let's just bring it down, expand the cavern." Ivan stated as he was picked up another pickaxe, then swung at the wall alongside the other miner. They both alternated as they chipped away, breaking off chunks of it with each hit. Dust started to gather, by the time they had taken down most of the weak wall it dissipated and they were able to step through to the other side. Ivan was the first one through, still holding the pickaxe in his hand, with his other one he flicked on the flashlight on his hardhat, a beam of light illuminating what now laid in front of him as he took several steps forward "What the fuck?" Were the only words mumbled the miner as his light shined upon the strange in front of him. An oval object, roughly two feet in height and colored a leathery shade of brown. Ivan blinked before he stared at it, the other miners following further into the cavern behind him. More lights were turned on, and illuminated the entire cavern room. There were rows of the 'things', but only them, the rest of the cave was walled off with no openings. There must have been at least two dozen of them, each alongside each other like they had been perfectly placed there by something. "These don't look like normal rocks, I don't have any idea what the hell they are." Another miner added as he stepped forward, I tinge of nervousness and total uncertainty surging through his veins. The others felt similar emotions, all of them confused and unsure of what they had just discovered. "They almost seem like, eggs." George stated, as several of the miners moved closer to them. "No bird or lizard I ever seen lay an egg like this." Another miner chipped in. Ivan moved the closest to the eggs amongst the dumbfounded miners. He was curious, and unfortunately that curiousness had taken over his other thoughts. He stood over the nearest egg to him, then reached his free hand towards it and gently caressed the side. It did not feel like a rock, it was rough, he couldn't describe the exact feeling other than it made him feel all kinds of wrong to even be this close to it. Like all of his senses were screaming at him to backup and get out of here. Then the top of the egg split open in four directions, slowly. Ivan couldn't help but stare at it. Alongside him his fellow workers had moved closer to the other eggs and each of them came open. A pink membrane sat inside, the stench hung in his nostrils, an ancient disgusting scent that repulsed him. [i]Then something moved inside, squirmed and shook the soft interior of the egg.[/i] Then an inhuman, terrifying monstrosity burst from the opening, screaming a bloodcurdling noise that compared more to a horrific shriek than a yelp. The sound rang in Ivan's ear as the creature's tentacles snapped onto the sides of his face and enveloped his head. He let out his own scream of terror as the sheer force of the creature clenching onto him sent him to the floor. His vision blinded, his breathing labored. Around him he could only hear more screams as the other eggs shot open, and more facehuggers launched out to assault his fellow miners. Their panicked breaths and terrified yells filled his ears. Some tried to run, sprint towards the elevator, dropping their equipment as they ran. None escaped, each of the miners were turned to victims by the parasites. They laid strewn around the cavern, each of their faces covered. Ivan's hands rocketed up to grasp at the horror enveloping his face, but as soon as his fingertips brushed against the freakish skin of the facehugger he felt its tail tighten around his throat. It seemed the creature would choke him a slow and painful death if he resisted and tried to pull it off him. All Ivan could do was allow it to do whatever it intended to do. Suddenly he felt his breathing become easier, then a disgusting, repulsive object wiggled slowly down his esophagus. Ivan's thoughts were of his family as he was impregnated with a horrific embryo. [center][img]http://oohlo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/egg1.gif[/img][/center] [hr] The synthetic man ran a comb through his black hair, a small amount of gel having been applied to it so that he could properly style it. Benedict then delicately ran his fingertips through it, as his eyes stared at his reflection in the mirror. A stylish quiff was in his hair as he smirked at the result of his labor. He bore resemblance to a golden age film star in hairstyle at least. That was his goal, he had taken a fascination with old Hollywood films in his spare time. Even machines enjoyed entertainment. Then Benedict walked out of the bathroom in his apartment, provided to him by his creators and now employers, Weyland-Yutani. He did not need to sleep or even rest, it was just given to him so he had somewhere to relax during his downtime. He couldn't spend all twenty hours of the day in the science laboratories, or in any other Weyland-Yutani facility. The synthetic being slipped on his clothing, a grey Weyland-Yutani jumpsuit which he slid into over a plain white t shirt. Benedict then tied his grey sneakers, looping bunny ears for the laces. He did not really carry anything for supplies, the only thing he took with him was his ID card which he slipped into the breast pocket of his jumpsuit, right below the well known logo of his creators. He locked his apartment door behind him, then strolled down the hallway which led to a brief staircase. He passed another business suit wearing middle aged man, who did not even acknowledge Benedict's presence even as they walked by each other. He did not like to assume that was rudeness, perhaps the fellow was simply in a hurry. Either way the android did not pay much mind to it as moved down the stairs, then out the front door of the apartment complex. The sun shined harshly in his face before his automated senses adjusted in a millisecond. He took in his familiar surroundings, a friendly smile on his face. Cars moved along down the street, while denizens of Hestia Prime walked into the railway station. Benedict did the same, blinking, breathing and looking utterly human with each step. He blended in perfectly with the real humans, just as his makers intended. Of course his true existence was known to many on the colony, those who made him and those who he worked with. Anyone else wouldn't suspect for a second that he was entirely human. He piled onto the monorail into a half filled cart of people. The android took a seat in the center of the cart, folding his hands on his lap as his gaze shifted towards the open window which showed the sun over the horizon, the mountains below it. As the doors closed and the monorail moved, Benedict smiled once more, bound for the center of the settlement as his day began just like everyone else on Hestia Prime. [hr] Anna Atkinson let out a sigh, smoke whisping out of her lips as she did so, then she took a long sip of her decaf coffee. She dropped the now depleted cigarette in her other hand then crumbled it against the dirt floor with her boot. She'd kick the nasty habit eventually, but not today. It was too damn good on a hot ass day like today. Lord knows her niece harped on her enough about it, bless her little heart she already had the right thought process about the subject in her brain. Anna then finished off the disposable coffee cup, dropping it into a garbage bin to her left. A thank you for not littering was printed on the front of it, she'd done her part to help the environment. As she walked her hands went to the back of her head and tied her shoulder length red hair into a ponytail, nudging the cap on her head with each movement of her fingers. [i]Another day of work.[/i] She enjoyed her job, well the benefits of it at least. The colony was a pretty laid back place, for someone working in security like herself there was not much crime. Part of her was thankful for that, while another less open part was a little saddened by it. In her occupation it was often better to be bored, but damn if she wouldn't kill for some excitement once in awhile. Hestia Prime was a safe world, she could count all the murders committed on it in her five months on the world. Three in fact. That was a good thing, a very good thing. The last arrest she had made was days ago, some scumbag who beat his wife to a bloody pulp. She hated those kind of people, they did in front of their kid too. That was even worse. Before that it was some small time drug dealer trying to sell crack cocaine, there was apparently an illegal drug trade on the world, nothing massive but security had logged several arrests ranging from possession of narcotics to trying to deal the substances. She'd grown up in Brooklyn, she knew drugs too well, always avoided them herself but had seen friends fall too far into it. The last thing she wanted was to see more people ended up addicted like they were. Anna stepped into the security office, a few citizens sat seated near the front desk where a secretary was hard at work. There were three of these stations scattered around the settlement, including the main station in the center of the colony. Anna worked in the most northern of the stations. She walked through a backdoor to the right of the front desk, passing by a few other security officers chatting amongst themselves. Others were at their desks, filling paperwork or other business. They were essentially the police on this colony, all but in what they were called. Hell, if someone dialed 911 they'd be connected to someone in the security offices. The only difference between them and regular cops were jurisdictions and that they ultimately served Weyland-Yutani over the public. That didn't faze her too much, in all her years working security it had been good working for Weyland-Yutani. Anna took a seat at her desk, pulling her chair forward as her hands went through papers on the top of the desk. A picture of her niece sat there, a smile on the cute kid's cheeks. Anna smiled at the picture as she paused going through paperwork. It was a reminder of what she got to home to at night. Hopefully Lisa was enjoying her first day of school.