I couldn't resist thinking up someone else. So here is a hot headed gun-toting older refined lady. [Hider=Olivier K. Penndragon][center] [color=9e0039]“You don't need to be afraid of the dark. I'm here after all”[/color] [hr] [color=9e0039]N A M E[/color] Olivier K. Penndragon. [hr] [color=9e0039]A G E[/color] 25 [hr] [color=9e0039]O R I G I N[/color] Olivier has spent much of her life in the capital. Although now she lacks a home. [hr] [color=9e0039]V I S A G E[/color] Olivier stands at 5'6 with a lithe build. Her neck is long and her facial features are slender, with a pronounced jaw and cheek bones. Her ears come to a point and are a length which cause them to droop downwards. A fact not aided by the rings adorning. Her hair is long and pure milk white, with bangs. She has a scar starting at her left eye and tracing down to her cheek. A dull white eye reveals her worsened eyesight in this side of her face. Her opposite ocular is a light honey-gold. Her features are weathers slightly with age, and while she has gone through the years with grace, her time spent on this earth presents itself. She wears a long cloak of deep wine red, with a matching wide brimmed hat that comes to a point. Under this she wears a white blouse and a black necktie, and matching black trousers, with a red belt and silver buckle. Black gloves with red middle fingers glove her hands. To finish she wears black leather boots just bellow the knee. Her lips are almost always painted red. [hr] [color=9e0039]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S[/color] Despite her flaming abilities Olivier is a calm and collected person. Always letting reason temper her emotions, and guide her thoughts, she is a thinker before she is an actor. While she has a pension for rather bold acts, these are done with confidence and thought, and while she is eager to support the more ill-thought actions of those younger, she does this only when believing they will learn, or that she can save them shall they fail. To Olivier age is not just a number, and she respects that everyone has their place and time. She will also say that her time will never end, and that she might actually be immortal. One who speaks quietly not out of a meek nature, but to make you listen, she is the eye of the storm, and she will rain as she pleases. [hr] [color=9e0039]L I F E E X P E R I E N C E S[/color] Olivier has long been a scholar. Studying magic and most other schools of science, she has a thirst for understanding how things work. Due to this she has also become a bit of a tinker, taking to the rise of technology and it's melding of magic. She descends from a rich family, and married a man who also came from old money. Keeping her wealth by selling and managing property, she lived in comfort and with all the time in the world to study and play with her interests. Then her husband, William, passed. He was on an away visit to do business with a faction that was holding land and people hostage from him. A small hamlet successfully ransacked by abusive magi. He brought many guards, and was no slouch himself, but alas, they never intended to talk. Olivier did not take keenly to this. Calmly and surly, she hired a different breed of solider. One less likely to be found near a guard station, and more likely to be on a wanted poster. Along with these men and women, she marched. Leaving her estate to her only daughter, she left with an understanding that this was something that could not be ignored if done. Yet she did it anyways. The hired thugs earned their pay. They paved the way through the small village and in the center Olivier met face to face with the man that killed her husband. She debated asking why he had done what he had, but she remembered that William went to talk, and they didn't speak with words around these parts. Violence seemed to be all they understood. So she began speaking their language. Olivier would have a fair fight. A lady against a tramp, she would gain a scar, all but loosing an eye. Yet she would gain a head, before quickly depositing it on a spike for all to see. The hamlet was returned to it's people, and Olivier was not seen as a hero, but a vengeful rule-breaker. One ill-fit to stand among high-society. She bought her way out of a trial, yet her exploits where known to the kingdom. She was a criminal, and she did not regret this. [hr] [color=9e0039]E L E M E N T A L A F F I N I T Y[/color] [color=ed1c24]Ignis[/color] [hr] [color=9e0039]A T T R I B U T E S[/color] [color=9e0039]High Society:[/color] While she is shunned by most people of the richer breed, some connections last, and she knows the etiquette and way to behave. She can blend in with any crowd, from the higher echelons to the street running cut-purses. She has lived on both sides of the coin, and done so well. [color=9e0039]Healing by Candlelight:[/color] Flame magic attuned to both a nurturing and harming natures, Olivier has the ability to create flames with a healing warmth. Staying within their short range will slowly recover wounds and damage. [color=9e0039]A Shot In The Dark:[/color] When it comes to doing battle, Olivier prefers to keep her distance. Since she earned her scar and gone through the harsher aspects of a life on the lamb, she has accepted that her strengths don't lie in fisticuffs. Using her tinkering and knowledge of magitech, she has crafted a custom rifle. It is her main foci, aside from her wand, and it can be used with or without ammunition. Using her own explosive flame instead of black powder, she can launch shells without as much fuss in reloading, and do so as long as she has magic to spare. Long range controlled explosions, beams of condenses flame, area of effect fires and more, she is a fighter in a class of her own. [color=9e0039]A Last Resort:[/color] As stated above, close combat is not Olivier's forte. That being said she is a perfectionist of sort, and her rampant want to create new ways to bend her magic brought this alongside her healing: A blade of condenses super-heated plasma sprouting from her wand. Lighter then any actual sword, and with an unparalleled edge, it is her last ditch effort if an enemy draws near. Naturally such an ambitious spell drains her quickly, and while she practices frequently to not leave gaps in her nature, she is not trained but self taught. It again relies on raw mana overpowering material items. [hr] [/center][/Hider]